13 IoT Sensors to Watch Out For

13 IoT Sensors to Watch Out For

Data is the new oil. Currently, we are entering a new era of innovation in modern information technology, with explosive growth in the Internet of Things (IoT) and the increasing importance of information data. In the future of IoT technology, who will be the game changers behind the IoT ecosystem that connects the digital and … Read more

Innovations by Infineon in IoT Sensors

Innovations by Infineon in IoT Sensors

In 1883, university professor Warren Seymour Johnson (1847-1911) obtained his first patent for the “Electric Remote Control Thermometer,” which could automatically adjust room temperature, creating a more energy-efficient and comfortable building environment. This temperature control system has since been widely used in most high-rise landmark buildings around the world. In 1885, Professor Warren Johnson and … Read more

13 IoT Sensors to Watch

13 IoT Sensors to Watch

For more in-depth information, reports, and knowledge about sensor technology, IoT sensors, and testing technology, please follow the Sensor Expert WeChat public account, set it as a star, and check past content. Data is the new oil. Currently, we are entering a new era of modern information technology innovation, with explosive growth in the Internet … Read more

The Journey of OTA Software Upgrade for IoT Devices: Downloading the Upgrade Package

The Journey of OTA Software Upgrade for IoT Devices: Downloading the Upgrade Package

OTA Overview Hello everyone, I am a software upgrade package. In the next few days, I will embark on a magical journey across the internet, from the developer’s computer all the way to the terminal embedded device. This travel process is called OTA, which stands for online upgrade. So what exactly is OTA? It stands … Read more

Understanding IoT Device Security Challenges and Solutions

Understanding IoT Device Security Challenges and Solutions

Abstract In today’s world, the Internet of Things (IoT) technology has made significant progress, and IoT devices have become an important part of people’s daily lives. However, the security issues surrounding IoT devices cannot be underestimated, as network attacks targeting these devices are frequent and ongoing. This article will describe the current attitudes and measures … Read more

Emerging IoT Device Connectivity Solutions

Emerging IoT Device Connectivity Solutions

Click the “blue text” above, and select “Set as Favorite“ Key information, delivered on D1 time! As the internet becomes easily accessible almost anywhere in the world, the number of devices or “things” using the internet has surged, leading to the concept of the Internet of Things (IoT). Before IoT, most devices operated on local … Read more

Running TensorFlow on IoT Devices

Running TensorFlow on IoT Devices

Event Time September 16 (this Thursday) 20:00-21:00 Event Schedule 20:00-20:45 Keynote Sharing Running TensorFlow on IoT Devices Current status of TensorFlow Lite and TensorFlow Lite Micro Key points and implementation methods of running TensorFlow Lite on Coral Compilation process and technical points of TensorFlow Lite Micro 20:45-21:00 Interactive Q&A Organizing Community GDG Shanghai Bilibili Live … Read more

IoT Devices: A Weak Link in Cybersecurity

IoT Devices: A Weak Link in Cybersecurity

Click the blue text above to select “Set as Star”. Key information delivered on D1 time! It is not necessarily a bad thing that companies are increasingly using IoT devices in their operations. They help improve employee efficiency, optimize limited resources, and even automate tedious and mundane tasks. However, the benefits they bring do not … Read more

How IoT Devices Protect Privacy

How IoT Devices Protect Privacy

In South Korea, after the “N Room” incident, the public was once again awakened to concerns about privacy leaks from camera devices. With the rapid development of the Internet of Things (IoT), smart cameras and smart appliances are becoming increasingly popular. However, some convenient IoT devices can also become the “all-seeing eyes” and “pleasing sights” … Read more
