Analyzing and Practicing Embedded Linux Device Driver Development Framework Using Character Devices

Analyzing and Practicing Embedded Linux Device Driver Development Framework Using Character Devices

Scan to enter the live room Free book giveaway event Event time: On the day of the live broadcast Event method: 【1】Follow the lottery mini program. 【2】Live draw on site. 【3】If you win, please fill in your address within two days, expired will be invalid. 【4】All prizes will be sent within one month after winning. … Read more

Summary of Embedded Knowledge Level 3 (ARM Instruction Series)

Summary of Embedded Knowledge Level 3 (ARM Instruction Series)

1. Shift Operation Instructions LSL, LSR, ASR, ROR, RRX 2. Instruction Condition Code 3. Memory Access Instructions — LDR Word Data Load Instruction.LDR instruction is used to transfer a 32-bit word data from memory to the destination register. This instruction is usually used to read 32-bit word data into a general-purpose register for processing. — … Read more

Arduino Smart Alarm Clock Design with 8×8 Matrix Keypad, LCD Display, and Buzzer Songs

Arduino Smart Alarm Clock Design with 8x8 Matrix Keypad, LCD Display, and Buzzer Songs

Arduino Smart Alarm Clock Design (8×8 Matrix Keypad + LCD Display + Buzzer Songs) Author: STCode 1. Effect Description: This design is based on the Arduino Nano controller, with the main functions being a timer alarm and environmental temperature and humidity display. Users can set the alarm hour and minute using the 8×8 matrix keypad, … Read more
