How to Get Embedded System Development Right the First Time

How to Get Embedded System Development Right the First Time

I am Lao Wen, an embedded engineer who loves to learn. Follow me, and let’s become better together! Have you noticed that in various enterprises, there are always a few inspiring slogans, among which “get it right the first time” is definitely a high-frequency term. Every time I saw it in the past, I would … Read more

Installing Qt 4.8.0 and Qt Creator 2.4.1 on Raspberry Pi

Installing Qt 4.8.0 and Qt Creator 2.4.1 on Raspberry Pi

To set up the Qt compilation environment on Raspberry Pi, using Qt 4.8.0 and Qt Creator 2.4.1. 1. Installation of Qt 4.8.0. 1. Search for Qt download on Baidu. Find the link:, go in and download the .tar.gz packages for Qt 4.8.0 and Qt Creator 2.4.1. 2. Use SSH to copy the files to … Read more

Common Memory Partition Areas in Microcontrollers

Common Memory Partition Areas in Microcontrollers

Follow+Star public number, don’t miss wonderful content Author | Xing Mo Editor | strongerHuang Seeing some friends discussing the topic of microcontroller memory, today I will describe the common partition areas in conjunction with STM32. In an STM32 program code, from high memory address to low memory address, the stack area, heap area, global area … Read more

Comprehensive Guide to 400 Examples of Microcontroller Programming (1-100)

Comprehensive Guide to 400 Examples of Microcontroller Programming (1-100)

Follow the blue words to get the “Entry Materials” for the complete tutorial from beginner to advanced on microcontrollers The development board will guide you in, and we will help you soar Written by | Wu Ji (WeChat: 2777492857) The full text is about1582 words, reading takes about 5 minutes Recently, some beginners have consulted … Read more

Mastering STM32 Microcontroller Serial Communication

Mastering STM32 Microcontroller Serial Communication

To master the STM32 microcontroller, one cannot do without serial communication. Serial communication uses a protocol called the serial communication protocol to manage data transmission, which controls the data flow during transmission, including data bits, baud rate, parity bits, and stop bits. Due to its simplicity and ease of use, serial communication is widely applied … Read more

Memory Optimization Techniques in Microcontroller Development (C Language Version)

Memory Optimization Techniques in Microcontroller Development (C Language Version)

First, let’s talk about As we all know, the biggest difference between microcontroller programming and computer programming is that microcontrollers have very limited resources, and most low-end microcontrollers do not have an operating system. Except for some embedded-level chips that use Linux, most operations are done with simple RTOS, and some simple applications or chips … Read more

Mastering Microcontrollers: From Beginner to Expert

Mastering Microcontrollers: From Beginner to Expert

Many students mention learning microcontrollers, and they often have the following expression: Seeing others’ programs densely packed, they don’t know where to start. In fact, if you calm down and read others’ programs, you will find a certain pattern, which is often modular. Microcontrollers have a lot of registers, and it’s hard to remember what … Read more

Detailed Explanation of STM32 Microcontroller Minimum System

Detailed Explanation of STM32 Microcontroller Minimum System

STM32F103RCT6: STM32F103RCT6 is an embedded microcontroller integrated circuit (IC) with a 32-bit Cortex-M3 core processor, a speed of 72MHz, a program memory capacity of 256KB, program memory type of FLASH, RAM capacity of 48K, and package LQFP64. STM32 Microcontroller Naming Rules: Minimum System of STM32 Microcontroller: The so-called minimum system of the microcontroller is a … Read more

Simulating Linux Kernel Automatic Initialization on STM32

Simulating Linux Kernel Automatic Initialization on STM32

Hello everyone, I would like to recommend an article by my friend, the mixed bag master. There are many programming ideas to learn in Linux, and many experts apply these ideas and mechanisms to microcontroller programming. For example: cola_os introduced in the Embedded Mixed Bag Weekly | Issue 4, and the well-known RT-Thread. Also, the … Read more
