Efficient Low-Coordination Copper-Based Catalysts for Selective CO2 Reduction to Ethylene

Efficient Low-Coordination Copper-Based Catalysts for Selective CO2 Reduction to Ethylene

According to previous literature, the C-C coupling step in the CO2RR reaction is widely considered to be the core for producing C2 products, especially ethylene. Therefore, adjusting the spatial configuration of Cu to modulate the adsorption of *CO, thereby facilitating CO-CO coupling, is regarded as an effective method to promote ethylene production.The strong adsorption of … Read more

DIY AR Glasses Using Raspberry Pi: A Cost-effective Solution Under 100 Yuan

DIY AR Glasses Using Raspberry Pi: A Cost-effective Solution Under 100 Yuan

整理 | 郑丽媛 出品 | CSDN(ID:CSDNnews) When it comes to VR/AR glasses, people usually think of high prices and long development cycles. Therefore, when hearing about a developer who took a different approach by using Raspberry Pi Zero to create a feature-rich AR glasses prototype, even making the lenses himself, the first reaction of most … Read more

Can Cortex-M Processors Run Linux?

Can Cortex-M Processors Run Linux?

This article introduction What is the core difference between microcontrollers and application processors? Is it the difference in core frequency? Or the support of the Linux system? Or the architecture of the processor? This article will briefly introduce the NXP Cortex-M series as an example. 1. Positioning of Cortex-M The architecture of the processor defines … Read more

Developing AI Inference Applications Based on Orange Pi AIpro

Developing AI Inference Applications Based on Orange Pi AIpro

The Orange Pi AIpro development board adopts the Ascend AI technology route, with rich interfaces and powerful scalability, providing 8/20 TOPS of computing power, and can be widely used in AI edge computing, deep visual learning, video stream AI analysis, video image analysis, natural language processing, and other AI fields. Through the AI programming interface … Read more

Smart Water Usage Monitoring Device Using Arduino

Smart Water Usage Monitoring Device Using Arduino

MAKER:LiamOSM/Translated by:Fun Endless The smart home series has featured various projects. For instance, the “MAKER’s Wardrobe: Raspberry Pi + RFID for Smart Wardrobe“, the hands-on “Cool ‘Thanos Glove’ Appliance Control Terminal”, and the security project “Cat Away!Computer Vision Cat Repellent Equipment“. This time, we will create an environmentally friendly energy-saving project—a water usage monitoring device … Read more

A Comprehensive Guide to the Latest Android Architecture

A Comprehensive Guide to the Latest Android Architecture

Hot Article Guide | Click Title to Read Welcome to join the Java and Android Developer Community, Get Learning Videos Awesome! 74 Complete APP Source Codes! Google I/O 2017: Officially Released Android App Development Architecture Guide, with Demo and Official Documentation Brief Review: Although the architecture choices in Android have always been quite free, with … Read more

Creating a Screen Driver for Raspberry Pi Using .NET IoT and Building a Quadruped Robot

Creating a Screen Driver for Raspberry Pi Using .NET IoT and Building a Quadruped Robot

↓Recommended Follow↓ Abstract This article mainly documents the technologies involved in my project, including: .NET IoT, .NET Web, .NET MAUI, and the framework used is the latest .NET 7. I developed and tested it using Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W (ubuntu-22.04), but the .NET IoT library also has a community submission by Zhang Gaoxing for … Read more
