Creating a Universal Calculator with ESP32: The Ultimate Tool for Multitasking

Creating a Universal Calculator with ESP32: The Ultimate Tool for Multitasking

Project Name: Multifunctional Mechanical Axis Scientific Calculator Project Author: shaoduan Introduction When you think I’m… using a calculator to do math? Actually, I’m… Playing Mario! Playing COTD! Playing Snake! Oh my, if I had this? Who could tell I’m slacking off? Project Description Back to the point! Thisslacking off toolcalculatoris made using ESP32. It is … Read more

Introduction and Comparison of the ARM Cortex-M Processor Family – Part 1

Introduction and Comparison of the ARM Cortex-M Processor Family - Part 1

Author: Joseph Yiu, Senior Embedded Technology Manager, ARM William Gao, ARM China Application Engineer and Gabriel Wang, ARM China Embedded Application Engineer also contributed to the Chinese version of this article Summary The ARM Cortex-M processor family now has 8 processor members. In this article, we will compare the product features among the Cortex-M series … Read more

Understanding Embedded Operating Systems: A Comprehensive Guide

Understanding Embedded Operating Systems: A Comprehensive Guide

Embedded technology has gradually integrated into our daily lives with the advent of the digital intelligence era. But do you really understand embedded operating systems? 😁😁😁 Question: What exactly is an embedded operating system? Answer: An embedded operating system is a specific operating system designed for embedded systems, it can effectively manage system resources and … Read more

How to Configure Debugging for Cortex-A9 Dual-Core Using CodeViser

How to Configure Debugging for Cortex-A9 Dual-Core Using CodeViser

Background When debugging multi-core processors with JNDTech’s CodeViser emulator, it is often necessary to manually configure the emulator and processor. This article takes the configuration of the Cortex-A9 dual-core processor in CVD as an example to introduce the multi-core debugging configuration method. Solution After connecting the emulator to the development board, start the CVD debugger, … Read more

Create an Electronic Piano with Arduino UNO

Create an Electronic Piano with Arduino UNO

An online learning platform that all national maker education teachers are paying attention to The electronic piano made with Arduino UNO can play the notes “do re mi fa so la ti” in order. To enhance the performance by an octave, a pitch-bend button is placed on the far right of the piano. Additionally, for … Read more

How Early MCU Chips Were Encrypted?

How Early MCU Chips Were Encrypted?

Source | IoVSecurity Editor | strongerHuang Since the birth of MCUs in the 1970s, the technology for cracking chips and the solutions to prevent chip cracking have been in a continuous chase of “one height above the other”. This article shares the development history of microcontrollers in security protection and summarizes the advantages and disadvantages … Read more

Understanding ADC Quantization Error in Embedded Systems

01 ADC Quantization Error 1. Introduction AD\Test\2024\April\TestATMEGA16.SchDoc Recently, the sampling characteristics of a 10-bit ADC were measured. When the input signal changes very slightly, the quantization error of the ADC greatly affects the sampling results. Even averaging 512 data points cannot eliminate the impact of quantization error. Next, tests were conducted by introducing noise interference … Read more
