Automotive Electronics Embedded Software Profile of 1993 Male


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Gender: Male

Date of Birth: February 1993

Height: 172cm

Weight: 61kg

Hometown: Yangzhou, Jiangsu

Current Residence: Minhang, Shanghai

Education: Bachelor’s Degree

Occupation: Automotive Electronics Embedded Software

Automotive Electronics Embedded Software Profile of 1993 Male

Personality: Quite good.

Hobbies: Reading, watching dramas, movies, playing games, photography, cooking, and shopping/traveling with you.

Economic Situation: Annual income 20+.

Automotive Electronics Embedded Software Profile of 1993 Male

Partner Criteria: Prefer someone a bit good-looking, I think good-looking. Height above 158cm, education at least college, and preferably can come to Shanghai.

Previous Marital History: No

Children: None

Automotive Electronics Embedded Software Profile of 1993 Male
Automotive Electronics Embedded Software Profile of 1993 Male
Automotive Electronics Embedded Software Profile of 1993 Male
Automotive Electronics Embedded Software Profile of 1993 Male
Automotive Electronics Embedded Software Profile of 1993 Male
Automotive Electronics Embedded Software Profile of 1993 Male
Automotive Electronics Embedded Software Profile of 1993 Male

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