ESP32Time: Empowering Your ESP32 with Precise Time Management
ESP32 is a powerful microcontroller that has gained wide application in the fields of IoT and embedded development. However, achieving precise time management on the ESP32 often requires the use of an additional RTC (Real-Time Clock) module. The emergence of the ESP32Time library provides developers with a convenient and efficient solution, leveraging the internal RTC module of the ESP32 to simplify the process of setting and obtaining time, allowing developers to easily incorporate precise time into their ESP32 projects.
Understanding MIPI Camera Lane Structure
1. Physical Layer:
The physical layer specifies the transmission medium, electrical characteristics, IO circuits, and synchronization mechanisms. In simple terms, it defines how the sender Tx obtains the encoded data from the upper layer, converts it into what kind of electrical signals, and sends it to the receiver Rx through how many channels and in what form.
The physical layers of CSI and DSI are defined by specialized working groups. Currently, there are three types of camera-based physical layer interfaces published: D-PHY,
DIY VR Haptic Gloves with ESP32: Experience Immersive Virtual Reality with LucidGloves
LucidGloves is an open-source project aimed at enabling users to create and use their own VR haptic gloves. It is centered around Arduino and ESP32 microcontrollers and is compatible with the SteamVR platform.
Easy-to-Use DIY Gloves
The goal of LucidGloves is to make it easy for anyone to create VR haptic gloves. Whether you are a hobbyist interested in VR technology or a newcomer looking to explore DIY projects,
DIY HomeKit Ambient Light for Under 100 Yuan
Arduino Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04 Hack for Smart Fans
Arduino ULTRASONIC Sensor HC-SR04 Hack for Smart Fans!
Camera Calibration and Distance Measurement Made Easy
Camera Calibration
Connect the CSI camera to the Raspberry Pi camera interface, ensuring that the blue side of the cable faces the black switch cover; Connect the Raspberry Pi to a display and open the terminal to input commands;
Select Interface option and then choose P1 Camera;
Understanding the iPad Mini 7: Jelly Screen Issues Resolved
A Lightweight Event-Driven Embedded System Application Framework: Quantum Platform
QP(Quantum Platform)
is a lightweight, open-source, state machine-based, event-driven application framework. This framework consists of four parts:
Event Processor (QEP); Lightweight Event-Driven Framework (QF); Task Scheduling Microkernel (QV, QK, QXK); Real-Time Tracing Debugger (QS).
(1) QEP
Quantum Event Processor
is a general-purpose, portable, reusable state machine engine.QEP allows you to directly map UML-style state diagrams to code. QEP provides traditional simple flat state machines and hierarchical state machines. QEP can directly manipulate event queues and event dispatching mechanisms.
(2) QF
QF is a general-purpose, event-driven application framework
The New Combination of RISC-V and FPGA — BeagleV-Fire
Recently discovered an interesting development board that is based on RISC-V and FPGA.
This form is my first encounter.
It is the
BeagleV®-Fire adopts Microchip's PolarFire® FCVG484E 5-core RISC-V system-on-chip and FPGA architecture.
It has 4 64-bit RV64GC application cores and 1 64-bit RV64IMAC monitor/boot core, with a performance of 3.125 CoreMarks/MHz and 1.714 DMIPS/MHz.
The FPGA part has 23,000 logic elements (4-input LUT + DFF), 68 math blocks (18x18 MACC), and four 12.7Gbps SerDes