Arduino Tutorial: Understanding Ultrasonic Sensors

Complete Video

The ultrasonic sensor is an input module that provides excellent non-contact distance detection, stable performance, ease of use, a small blind spot, and high accuracy. The measuring distance ranges from 2 centimeters to 400 centimeters, and the best part is that it is very inexpensive. It is widely used in the maker community, including applications such as robot distance measurement and obstacle avoidance, as well as liquid level detection.

1. Preparation Before Class

Please prepare the following for this lesson:

1. One

Arduino Uno | Measuring Distance with HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor

Example Effect

Arduino Uno | Measuring Distance with HC-SR04 Ultrasonic SensorPress the serial monitor, and you can see that the measured distance is 9.8cm-10.1cm with an error of about 0.2cm.

Arduino Uno | Measuring Distance with HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor


An ultrasonic sensor used for distance measurement, widely applied in robotics to avoid obstacles and measure distances.

Arduino Uno | Measuring Distance with HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor

Its module uses Trig to trigger distance measurement,

which emits 8 40kHz square waves and

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