Building Maker Spaces 2.0: A Focus on Open Source Robotics

The maker space is an important core element of maker education.If we liken the function of a maker space to a "kitchen," many primary and secondary schools already have their own "maker kitchens," addressing the "basic needs" of creativity. The next step is how to eat healthily and uniquely, and how to transform the beloved and indispensable consumption behavior of "eating" into a nutritional mechanism for building an innovative country.
The "Maker Space 2.0 Series Dialogue" will present some new forms

Create an Electronic Piano with Arduino UNO

Create an Electronic Piano with Arduino UNOAn online learning platform that all national maker education teachers are paying attention to

Create an Electronic Piano with Arduino UNO

The electronic piano made with Arduino UNO can play the notes "do re mi fa so la ti" in order. To enhance the performance by an octave, a pitch-bend button is placed on the far right of the piano. Additionally, for aesthetic purposes, we added some cotton decorations, creating a feeling

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