Raspberry Pi ROS Noetic Desktop System Based on Ubuntu Server 20.04

0x00 System Overview

The system released this time is based on the Raspberry Pi Ubuntu Server 20.04 64-bit system published by the official Ubuntu website to create the ROS Noetic system. This version of the Raspberry Pi system will be maintained by the official Ubuntu website until April 2025, so the ROS Noetic system we released this time will also be a long-term maintenance version, synchronized with the official Ubuntu Server 20.04 version until the end of April 2025.

Those who have installed the Ubuntu Server version will know that, by default, the server version does not have a desktop environment. Here, I have installed a desktop environment similar to Ubuntu Mate version for the server version, making it more convenient to use.

The system I released is different from the official Ubuntu Mate released system in that the Ubuntu Mate official maintained version of Ubuntu 20.04 will only be maintained until 2023, so I ultimately chose to use the Ubuntu Server version with a longer maintenance cycle. Additionally, the official Ubuntu Mate released system does not support the Raspberry Pi 400, which looks like a keyboard, while the Ubuntu Server version does support the Pi 400.

Raspberry Pi ROS Noetic Desktop System Based on Ubuntu Server 20.04

The Ubuntu Mate official maintained version will end in 2023

Raspberry Pi ROS Noetic Desktop System Based on Ubuntu Server 20.04

The official Ubuntu supported 20.04 server version is maintained until 2025

0x01 System Download

The system has now been uploaded to Baidu Cloud, and you can download it directly. The download link is as follows:

Baidu Cloud Link:
Extraction Code: g7mt

After downloading the system, please note that this system uses xz compression, and it needs to be decompressed before it can be burned onto a microSD card for use. If you are decompressing on a Linux system, you can use the following command:

xz -dkv

0x02 System Usage

The system has already installed some commonly used ROS packages. If there are any not installed, you can install them as needed using sudo apt install ros-noetic-* . Below are some images introducing the various parameters of the system:

Raspberry Pi ROS Noetic Desktop System Based on Ubuntu Server 20.04
System Desktop

Raspberry Pi ROS Noetic Desktop System Based on Ubuntu Server 20.04

System Parameter Information

Raspberry Pi ROS Noetic Desktop System Based on Ubuntu Server 20.04

Insufficient Disk Space After Booting

Next, we can use the built-in disk tool to expand the disk space. The specific operation is shown in the video below:

Disk Expansion Operation

Raspberry Pi ROS Noetic Desktop System Based on Ubuntu Server 20.04

Using FTP Service to Transfer Files

Raspberry Pi ROS Noetic Desktop System Based on Ubuntu Server 20.04

MoveIt Installed in the System

Next, we can demonstrate the effect of FTP file transfer and the path planning of the robotic arm in MoveIt, which is more intuitive. The video is as follows:

MoveIt Effect Demonstration

Raspberry Pi ROS Noetic Desktop System Based on Ubuntu Server 20.04

View USB Camera Image

0x03 System Activation

The Baidu Cloud download link has been published, and you can download it for trial use. If you are satisfied with the system after using it, you can purchase the system activation code for formal use. The trial use can only switch on and off for 6 times, and after the trial ends, the ROS-related functions will stop working. Other functions of the Raspberry Pi will not be affected, and at this time, you can use the system as a regular Raspberry Pi system. The activation process is as follows:
Raspberry Pi ROS Noetic Desktop System Based on Ubuntu Server 20.04
System Activation Operation
If you have already purchased an activation code, there is no need to purchase a new one; you can use the old activation code to activate this newly released system. However, please note that the activation code is bound to the Raspberry Pi mainboard, and if you change to a new Raspberry Pi, you will need to use a new activation code. If you need to purchase a new Raspberry Pi ROS system activation code, you can click the following link to purchase:


0x04 Reference Materials

[1]. Download link for the Raspberry Pi Ubuntu 20.04 system provided by Ubuntu Mate official.
[2]. Download link for the Raspberry Pi Ubuntu Server 20.04 system maintained by the official Ubuntu.
[3]. GitHub download URL for 7 degrees of freedom robotic arm example code.
[4]. MoveIt official website. https://moveit.ros.org/

0x05 Notes

[1]. This Raspberry Pi system is the Ubuntu Server 64-bit system, which can run normally on Raspberry Pi 3 series, 4B, and Raspberry Pi Pi 400 (which looks like a keyboard).
[2]. The default username for the system is corvin, and the password is also corvin. The password for the root user is also corvin, and the default password can be modified by yourself.
[3]. The system has already enabled the SSH server on port 22, VNC server on port 5900, and FTP service on port 21 by default, so you can easily connect via SSH, VNC remote desktop, and FTP.
[4]. The activated system SD card can only be used on the Raspberry Pi mainboard it was bound to at activation; if the SD card is inserted into another Raspberry Pi mainboard, the ROS function will be deleted.
[5]. This system is installed with ROS after upgrading and adapting the latest official Ubuntu Server 20.04, so you can directly use apt to install ROS Noetic software packages.

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