The released Raspberry Pi system is the penultimate version of Kinetic, as the maintenance for Kinetic version will end in April 2021. We will release the final version of Kinetic at that time.This system mainly adds the compilation of two ROS packages, namely serial and joint_state_publisher_gui. Of course, all other package source codes have also been synchronized to the official latest version for compilation and installation, as there are currently a total of 287 commonly used ROS packages that basically meet the needs.It should be noted that due to the current kernel version being upgraded to the latest board, the current version is not compatible with our Raspberry Pi dual-microphone voice board. We will upgrade the voice board driver later to solve this problem.
View v1.9 system
0x01 System Download
The system can be downloaded from Baidu Cloud, and the download is free. You can try it out first, and if you are satisfied, you can purchase the activation code to activate the system. The trial can only be used 6 times for switching on and off, after which the ROS function will stop. At that point, the system can be used as a regular official Raspberry Pi system. The Baidu Cloud download link is as follows:
Extraction code: 7883
If you have already purchased the activation code, there is no need to purchase it again. You can use the previous activation code to activate this newly released system. However, it is important to note that the activation code is bound to the Raspberry Pi main control board. If you change to a new Raspberry Pi, you will need to use a new activation code here.
0x02 System Activation
Activate the system using the activation codeIt is recommended to first download and try this release version. If you are satisfied after experiencing it, and if you decide to purchase the Raspberry Pi ROS system activation code, you can purchase it by opening the following link:
0x03 Notes
[1]. This Raspberry Pi system image can run on all boards in the Raspberry Pi series, such as Raspberry Pi 4B (supports 8GB memory version), Raspberry Pi 3B+, 3B, and so on.
[2]. After the system starts, the default username is corvin, and the password is also corvin. The password for the system’s root user is also corvin, and the default password can be changed by oneself.
[3]. The system has already enabled the SSH server on port 22 and the VNC server on port 5900 by default, so everyone can easily connect via SSH and VNC remote desktop.
[4]. This system has integrated the driver for the IMU board, so you can directly plug the IMU board into the Raspberry Pi for normal use.
[5]. This system is the latest Raspbian Buster ARM32 system from Raspberry Pi, using source code compiled and installed ROS packages, so it is not possible to use apt to install ROS-related packages.
[6]. The activated system SD card can only be used on the Raspberry Pi motherboard it was bound to at activation. If the SD card is inserted into another Raspberry Pi motherboard, the ROS function will be removed.
[7]. After the system is burned, when the Raspberry Pi starts for the first time, it may not recognize the full space of the SD card. You need to use the raspi-config tool to perform an expansion operation to recognize the full space of the SD card.