0x00 System Introduction

Kinetic final version information
0x01 System Download
The latest system can be downloaded from Baidu Cloud. You can download it for trial use first. If you are satisfied with the system after using it, you can purchase the system activation code for formal use.
The trial use is limited to 6 power cycles, and after the trial ends, the ROS-related functions will stop working. Other functions of the Raspberry Pi will not be affected, and at this time you can use the system as a regular Raspberry Pi system. The Baidu Cloud download link is as follows:
0x02 System Activation

If you need to purchase the Raspberry Pi ROS system activation code, you can click the link below to purchase:
0x03 Precautions
[1]. This Raspberry Pi system image can run on all models of the Raspberry Pi series, such as Raspberry Pi 4B (8G memory version also supported), Raspberry Pi 3B+, 3B, etc.
[2]. After the system starts, the default username is corvin, and the password is also corvin. For the root user of the system, the password is also corvin, and the default password can be changed by yourself.
[3]. The system has enabled the SSH server on port 22, VNC server on port 5900, and FTP service on port 21 by default, so you can easily connect via SSH, remote desktop with VNC, and FTP.
[4]. This system is the latest official Raspbian Buster ARM32 system for Raspberry Pi, with ROS packages compiled from source, so you cannot use apt to install ROS-related packages.
[5]. The activated system SD card can only be used in the Raspberry Pi main board it was bound to during activation. If the SD card is inserted into another Raspberry Pi main board, the ROS functions will be deleted.
[6]. After the system is first written, the Raspberry Pi may not recognize the full space of the SD card when it starts up. You need to use the raspi-config tool to expand the operation to recognize the full space of the SD card.
[7]. This system has integrated drivers for the voice board and IMU board, so you can directly plug the voice board and IMU board into the Raspberry Pi for normal use.