Raspberry Pi ROS Kinetic V1.7 Desktop System Release

0x00 System Introduction

This release mainly synchronizes all kinetic software package source codes to the latest version and recompiles the ROS system. This version resolves the issue of creating the toplevel cmake file fail when using catkin_make for compilation.
A new source code raspicam_node has been compiled, allowing the use of ribbon-cable type cameras on the Raspberry Pi. Now the system has compiled a total of 271 commonly used ROS software packages, which basically meets everyone’s out-of-the-box needs.
It should be noted that this version is not compatible with the latest 8GB memory version of Raspberry Pi 4B, and is only compatible with the 1GB, 2GB, and 4GB memory versions of Raspberry Pi 4B, as the officially released Raspberry Pi OS is a 32-bit version. The released 64-bit version is a beta version and currently has many issues. We will wait for the official release of the 64-bit system by Raspberry Pi, and will immediately create a 64-bit version of the ROS system based on the official release, which will then be compatible with the 8GB memory version of Raspberry Pi 4B.

Raspberry Pi ROS Kinetic V1.7 Desktop System Release

Raspberry Pi Ribbon-Cable Camera

Raspberry Pi ROS Kinetic V1.7 Desktop System Release

Demonstration of Creating ROS Workspace

0x01 System Download

This release of the Raspberry Pi ROS system uses the latest developed activation code registration system, which allows one activation code to be registered and activated an unlimited number of times on a single Raspberry Pi (both kinetic and melodic systems can be activated). However, it should be noted that each activation code will be bound to the Raspberry Pi motherboard at the time of the first activation. This means that if activation code A is activated on Raspberry Pi motherboard A, then activation code A is bound to Raspberry Pi motherboard A. Activation code A can only be activated an unlimited number of times on Raspberry Pi motherboard A and cannot be used to activate Raspberry Pi motherboard B.

In the future, when new Raspberry Pi systems are released, there will be no need to purchase new activation codes. When the latest released ROS system is installed on Raspberry Pi A, the old activation code A can still be used for activation. This way, you can purchase one activation code, and Raspberry Pi motherboard A can enjoy lifetime upgrades for subsequent versions of the ROS system.

The system can be downloaded from Baidu Cloud, and the download is free. Everyone can experience it first, and if satisfied, then purchase the activation code to activate the system. The trial can only be used 6 times for powering on and off, after which the ROS functionality will stop. At this time, the system can be used as a normal Raspberry Pi official system. The Baidu Cloud download link is as follows:

Baidu Cloud link:


Extraction Code: 2yyp

After downloading the image, you can first verify the md5 code of the image file to prevent damage to the downloaded file, which would make it impossible to decompress and install properly. The correct md5 checksum is as follows:


0x02 System Activation

On the same Raspberry Pi, using a formal activation code can activate all released systems. Whether it is the released melodic system or the kinetic system here, the activation process is quite similar. The process is as follows:

Raspberry Pi ROS Kinetic V1.7 Desktop System Release

Error Activation Code Demonstration

Raspberry Pi ROS Kinetic V1.7 Desktop System Release

Formal Activation Code Activation System Demonstration

If you need to purchase a Raspberry Pi ROS system activation code, you can click the link below to purchase:


0x03 System Testing

Many friends often inquire about how to increase the swap partition size, as many people just search online and follow others’ methods to expand the swap partition, which often leads to expansion failure and startup issues. Now I will introduce how to expand the swap partition in our system. The default swap partition size in the system is 1G, and now I will demonstrate how to expand it to 2G:

Raspberry Pi ROS Kinetic V1.7 Desktop System Release

Steps to Expand Swap Partition

Raspberry Pi ROS Kinetic V1.7 Desktop System Release

Modify Swap Partition Configuration File

0x04 Precautions

[1]. This Raspberry Pi system image can run on all models of Raspberry Pi, such as Raspberry Pi 4B (currently not compatible with the 8GB memory version), Raspberry Pi 3B+, 3B, etc.

[2]. After the system starts, the default username is corvin, and the password is also corvin. The password for the system’s root user is also corvin. These usernames and passwords can be modified as needed.

[3]. The system has already enabled the ssh-server on port 22 and vnc-server on port 5900 by default, so it is very convenient for everyone to connect via ssh and vnc remote desktop.

[4]. The system has integrated drivers for voice boards and IMU boards, so you can directly use them by plugging them into the Raspberry Pi, which is very convenient.

[5]. This system is based on the latest official raspbian buster ARM32 system, so you cannot use apt to install other ROS-related software packages. To install other ROS packages, you need to compile and install them from source.

[6]. An activated system SD card can only be used on the Raspberry Pi motherboard that it was bound to during activation. If the SD card is inserted into another Raspberry Pi motherboard, the ROS functionality will be removed.

0x05 Feedback

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