Raspberry Pi ROS Melodic Desktop System v1.7 Release

0x00 System Introduction

The version released this time is mainly to add the software packages related to compiling moveIt for robotic arm motion control, so we can use moveIt on the official Raspberry Pi system. It feels smoother than installing the Ubuntu version of the Raspberry Pi system, without noticeable lag, and is quite similar to developing on our PC.

A total of 61 ROS software packages have been newly compiled, in addition to those related to MoveIt, there are also two packages: robot_localization and laser_filters. Currently, there are 408 ROS software packages compiled and installed in the system, which basically meets our development needs. If you find that the software package you need is not available during use, you can send us a message or leave a comment, and we will compile and install it in the next version.

Raspberry Pi ROS Melodic Desktop System v1.7 Release
Starting MoveIt Configuration Assistant

Raspberry Pi ROS Melodic Desktop System v1.7 Release

Demo of motion planning using MoveIt for robotic arms

Raspberry Pi ROS Melodic Desktop System v1.7 Release

Check the version update log

0x01 System Download

The latest system can be downloaded from Baidu Cloud, you can download and experience it first. If you are satisfied with the system after using it, you can purchase the activation code for formal use. The trial version can only be used for 6 power on/off cycles, and after the trial ends, ROS-related functions will stop working. Other functions of the Raspberry Pi are not affected, and at this time, the system can be used as an ordinary official Raspberry Pi system. The Baidu Cloud download link is as follows:

Extraction Code: yee3

If you have previously purchased an activation code, there is no need to purchase it again; you can use the previous activation code to activate this newly released system.

However, it should be noted that the activation code is hardware-bound to the Raspberry Pi mainboard, and if you change to a new Raspberry Pi, you will need a new activation code.

0x02 System Activation

Raspberry Pi ROS Melodic Desktop System v1.7 Release
System Activation Operation

If you need to purchase a Raspberry Pi ROS system activation code, you can click the link below to buy:


0x03 System Testing

This system mainly adds the compilation and installation of moveIt-related software packages. We can perform a simple test of the running effect of moveIt here, and my feeling is that it is smoother than the Ubuntu version of the Raspberry Pi system. You can check the video below to see the effect:

Testing MoveIt Effect

0x04 Precautions

[1]. This Raspberry Pi system image can run on all models of the Raspberry Pi series, such as Raspberry Pi 4B (the 8GB memory version can also be used), Raspberry Pi 3B+, 3B, etc.
[2]. After the system starts, the default username is corvin, and the password is also corvin. The password for the root user of the system is also corvin, and the default password can be changed by the user.
[3]. The system has already enabled the ssh-server on port 22, vnc-server on port 5900, and ftp service on port 21 by default, so you can easily perform ssh connections, vnc remote desktop, and ftp connections.
[4]. This system has integrated the drivers for the voice board and IMU board, so you can directly use the voice board and IMU board on the Raspberry Pi.
[5]. This system is the latest Raspbian Buster ARM32 system from the official Raspberry Pi, using source code compiled and installed ROS software packages, so you cannot use apt to install ROS-related software packages.
[6]. The SD card of the activated system can only be used on the Raspberry Pi mainboard that it was bound to during activation; if you insert the SD card into another Raspberry Pi mainboard, the ROS functions will be deleted.
[7]. After the system is first burned, the Raspberry Pi may not recognize the full space of the SD card at startup. You need to use the raspi-config tool to perform the expansion operation to recognize the full space of the SD card.
[8]. In addition to the essential basic software packages required for ROS installation, the system also installs related software packages such as mav_ros, moveIt, SLAM, etc.

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