Raspberry Pi ROS Melodic v1.5 Desktop System Release

0x00 System Introduction

The Raspberry Pi ROS Melodic v1.5 version system released this time mainly upgrades some issues raised by users of the previous version. Two new ROS packages have been added, namely serial and joint_state_publisher_gui. Of course, all other software package source codes have also been synchronized to the official latest version for compilation and installation. Currently, a total of 278 commonly used ROS packages have basically met the needs. The next version will attempt to add the installation of MoveIt!. This will allow development related to robotic arm control on the Raspberry Pi, but it is uncertain whether MoveIt! will run smoothly. For other software packages that need to be compiled and installed, feel free to send me a message.

Raspberry Pi ROS Melodic v1.5 Desktop System Release

Current Version System Information

0x01 System Download

The latest system can be downloaded from Baidu Cloud, and everyone can download and try it out first. If you are satisfied with the system experience, you can purchase a system activation code for formal use. The trial can only be used for 6 times of booting and shutting down; after the trial period, ROS-related functions will stop working. Other functions of the Raspberry Pi will not be affected, and at this time the system can be used as a normal official Raspberry Pi system. The Baidu Cloud download link is as follows:



Extraction code: q79e

If you have already purchased an activation code, there is no need to purchase another activation code; you can use the previous activation code to activate this newly released system. However, please note that the activation code is bound to the Raspberry Pi mainboard. If you change to a new Raspberry Pi, you will need a new activation code.

0x02 File System Expansion

For some friends who are using Raspberry Pi for the first time, after writing the latest system to the SD card and inserting it into the Raspberry Pi to boot, you may find that the remaining space on the SD card is a bit small. For example, a 32GB SD card may only recognize 12GB. This is because the freshly written system requires you to perform a file system expansion operation to recognize all the SD card space.
Raspberry Pi ROS Melodic v1.5 Desktop System Release

Check Disk Space

To expand, we can use the built-in raspi-config tool. To start this tool, simply execute the command sudo raspi-config in the terminal, and the specific operation steps are shown in the images below:
Raspberry Pi ROS Melodic v1.5 Desktop System Release

Tool Start Command

Raspberry Pi ROS Melodic v1.5 Desktop System Release

Enter Advanced Options Menu

Raspberry Pi ROS Melodic v1.5 Desktop System Release

Select Expand File System

Raspberry Pi ROS Melodic v1.5 Desktop System Release

Confirm Prompt Information

Raspberry Pi ROS Melodic v1.5 Desktop System Release

Prepare to Exit Expansion Tool

Raspberry Pi ROS Melodic v1.5 Desktop System Release

Prompt to Restart Device

Raspberry Pi ROS Melodic v1.5 Desktop System Release

Check Disk Space After Expansion

0x03 System Activation

Raspberry Pi ROS Melodic v1.5 Desktop System Release

Use Activation Code to Activate System

If you need to purchase an activation code for the Raspberry Pi ROS system, you can click the following link to purchase:


0x04 Notes

[1]. This Raspberry Pi system image can run on all models of the Raspberry Pi series, such as Raspberry Pi 4B (8GB version can also be used), Raspberry Pi 3B+, 3B, etc.

[2]. After the system starts, the default username is corvin, and the password is also corvin. The password for the root user of the system is also corvin, and the default password can be modified by yourself.

[3]. The system has enabled the ssh-server on port 22 and vnc-server on port 5900 by default, so everyone can easily connect via ssh and vnc remote desktop.

[4]. The system has integrated the drivers for the voice board and IMU board, so you can directly plug the voice board and IMU board into the Raspberry Pi for normal use.

[5]. This system is the official latest raspbian buster ARM32 system for Raspberry Pi, using source code compilation and installation of ROS packages, so you cannot use apt to install ROS-related packages.

[6]. The activated system SD card can only be used on the Raspberry Pi mainboard it was bound to during activation; if the SD card is inserted into another Raspberry Pi mainboard, the ROS functions will be removed.

[7]. After the system is freshly written, when the Raspberry Pi first boots, it cannot recognize all the space on the SD card. You need to use the raspi-config tool to perform the expansion operation to recognize all the SD card space.

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