0x00 System Overview
The released Raspberry Pi system mainly upgrades based on issues raised by users of the previous version. First, the FTP port 21 is opened in the system, which facilitates file transfer operations between our local computer and the Raspberry Pi. Additionally, 64 ROS packages have been compiled, including ecl_thread, aruco_ros, yocs_velocity_smoother, etc. Of course, all other software package source codes have also been synchronized to the official latest version for compilation and installation. Currently, 342 commonly used ROS packages have basically met the needs, but this version has not yet successfully compiled and installed MoveIt!. I will continue to try to compile and install it in the next version.
For other packages that need to be compiled and installed, feel free to send me a message, and I will try to include them in the next version.

0x01 System Download
The latest system can be downloaded from Baidu Cloud. You can download and try it first. If you are satisfied with the system experience, you can purchase the system activation code to activate it for formal use. The trial can only be used for 6 power cycles; after the trial ends, ROS-related functions will stop working. Other functions of the Raspberry Pi will not be affected, and at this point, the system can be used as a regular Raspberry Pi official system. The Baidu Cloud download link is as follows:
The link is as follows
Extraction code: xgi7
If you have purchased an activation code, there is no need to purchase it again; you can use the previous activation code to activate the newly released system. However, please note that the activation code is bound to the Raspberry Pi mainboard. If you change to a new Raspberry Pi, you will need a new activation code.
0x02 System Activation

If you need to purchase the Raspberry Pi ROS system activation code, you can click the following link to buy it: