Getting Started with Arduino Programming: Hardware and Software Preparation

Getting Started with Arduino Programming: Hardware and Software Preparation

It’s fine as long as the solution suits you, there’s no need to pursue perfection. The Arduino integrated board is a small requirement and is not suitable for all scenarios. If you have a need for younger students to learn Arduino or for large classes, you might want to consider it. Of course, there are … Read more

In-Depth Research on Tier 2 Automotive Cameras: Competition Among Lens Companies and Breakthrough Development of CIS

In-Depth Research on Tier 2 Automotive Cameras: Competition Among Lens Companies and Breakthrough Development of CIS

Zuosi Automotive Research released “2023 Tier 2 Automotive Camera Industry Research Report”. 01 Automotive Lens Companies: “Camera Module Track + New Supply Forces” Boost Domestic Rise In 2023, automotive lens companies still maintain a three-tier structure. The first tier is led by Sunny Optical, whose lens products maintain an industry-leading position in both sales and … Read more

Key Configuration for RK3588 MIPI/DVP Camera Debugging

Key Configuration for RK3588 MIPI/DVP Camera Debugging

Introduction: The previous article introduced how to light up a sensor on RK3588, using the MIPI camera IMX577 as an example. From previous articles, we know that RK3588 supports up to 6 MIPI cameras and 1 DVP camera. Therefore, this article serves as a supplement, introducing the key configurations for both MIPI and DVP cameras. … Read more

How Much Memory to Allocate for FreeRTOS

How Much Memory to Allocate for FreeRTOS

Follow/Star Public Account, never miss a message! A friend asked: Brother Huang, I just learned FreeRTOS not long ago, I want to ask, how much stack should I allocate when creating a task? 1Introduction This question about memory allocation in the FreeRTOS operating system can be clarified if you have a general understanding of memory … Read more

Raspberry Pi and Arduino Serial Communication with DHT11

Raspberry Pi and Arduino Serial Communication with DHT11

Arduino has a rich set of external interfaces, and the biggest difference from Raspberry Pi’s IO ports is that Arduino has analog input interfaces that can measure analog values on IO ports. The communication scheme between Arduino and Raspberry Pi via serial (Serial) generally has two methods: one is through Raspberry Pi GPIO serial communication, … Read more
