Troubleshooting LineageOS Installation

Spent a week troubleshooting various environmental issues, thankfully there were no errors during the compilation, or I would have gone crazy.

  • Pixel 4

  • Ubuntu 22.04

1. Syncing Code

Since my computer can sync, I later tried to force sync directly and then bought 2TB of data, using scientific syncing or removing the proxy to use scientific methods directly. In the end, due to network fluctuations, I encountered a lot of early EOFs, resulting in about half of the downloaded files being missing.

Troubleshooting LineageOS Installation

There’s really nothing I can do about the company network issues, so I switched to domestic sources.

I successfully synced the code according to Tsinghua source instructions, but when executing breakfast flame, I found that there was no flame compilation option at all. Later, when pulling the driver files, I also discovered that the ./ for pulling drivers was not retrieved.

I searched for a long time, thinking I would manually download the device code, and then found.

Troubleshooting LineageOS Installation

There was only an file inside, and no other code. Also, running it immediately reported an error that the coral folder was missing.

The readme states that the flame device tree files are in device/google/coral. I checked the code I synced, and there was no coral folder in the device/google folder Troubleshooting LineageOS InstallationTroubleshooting LineageOS InstallationTroubleshooting LineageOS Installation

After a lot of hassle, I finally found out that coral is the code for Pixel 4 XL, and Pixel 4 and Pixel 4 XL use the same set of device codes.

Compilation Errors

During compilation, I encountered two errors: one was that the dtbo.img file was missing in the output folder, and the other was a kernel compilation error.

Troubleshooting LineageOS Installation

Manually pulling the kernel code again resolved the issue. For example, for Pixel 4, the kernel version is 4.14, so I should look for android_kernel_google_msm-4.14.

Then take the content after the last underscore as the filename. For example:

Troubleshooting LineageOS Installation


I have seen many articles suggesting not to use TWRP, but to use LineageOS’s own recovery. You can use the method from the LineageOS official website to extract.

The main tutorial I referred to for flashing is this one: LineageOS Flashing Tutorial – BeiGod – Blog Garden.

After flashing the LineageOS recovery file, press the power button + volume up to enter recovery mode.

Data Wipe

Troubleshooting LineageOS Installation


adb sideload E:\

Note: If it is an unsigned system, it will prompt a verification failure; just ignore it and continue flashing.

Troubleshooting LineageOS Installation

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