How to Use Startup Scripts in VxWorks

How to use the startup script in VxWorks is something everyone should know. Here’s an example:

Need to define the following two macros:


Called in usrConfig.c:

    usrStartupScript (startupScriptFieldSplit (sysBootParams.startupScript));

There might be an issue with devices like sata/sd/usb not working. The reason is that this function is executed under the usrRoot task with a priority of 0, while sata/sd/usb create their own tasks to manage these devices. Clearly, these tasks will only start executing after the root task is finished, so when calling usrStartupScript, sata/sd/usb are not ready yet and cannot work properly.There are many solutions, for example, adding taskDelay() before usrStartupScript to allow sata/sd/usb tasks to run first. One method I recommend is to open the device multiple times in this function; the first attempt will certainly fail, but the second should succeed:

Implementation code is as follows:

        int times= 0;

        fd = ERROR;
        while ((++times <= 10) && (fd == ERROR))
            fd = open (fileName, O_RDONLY, 0);

            if (fd == ERROR)
                if (times== 1)
                    printf ("Waiting for driver to mount\n");
                else if (times== 10)

Place the file in the BSP directory, then modify the startup parameters in bootrom accordingly.

boot device          : fs
processor number     : 0
host name            : host
file name            : /sd0:0/
user (u)             : target
ftp password (pw) (blank = use rsh): vxTarget
flags (f)            : 0x0
target name (tn)     : hjj
startup script (s)   : start.txt
other (o)            : qefcc

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