Capturing Images with fswebcam and USB Camera on Raspberry Pi

Capturing Images with fswebcam and USB Camera on Raspberry Pi

In practice, the support for USB cameras on the Raspberry Pi is not as perfect as that for CSI cameras. Occasionally, there may be situations where the USB camera cannot be used, and the built-in camera commands raspistill and raspivid are also unusable. However, fswebcam, a small camera program (official website), can support USB cameras very well. The usage is also quite simple.

Installing fswebcam

Install fswebcam to access the camera and take pictures.

sudo apt-get install fswebcam

Usage of fswebcam

fswebcam --help
Usage: fswebcam [][[]... ]
 -?, --help                   Display this help page and exit.
 -c, --configLoad configuration from file.
 -q, --quiet                  Hides all messages except for errors.
 -v, --verbose                Displays extra messages while capturing
     --version                Displays the version and exits.
 -l, --loopRun in loop mode.
 -b, --background             Run in the background.
 -o, --outputOutput the log to a file.
 -d, --deviceSets the source to use.
 -i, --inputSelects the input to use.
 -t, --tunerSelects the tuner to use.
 -f, --frequencySelects the frequency use.
 -p, --paletteSelects the palette format to use.
 -D, --delaySets the pre-capture delay time. (seconds)
 -r, --resolutionSets the capture resolution.
     --fpsSets the capture frame rate.
 -F, --framesSets the number of frames to capture.
 -S, --skipSets the number of frames to skip.
     --dumpframeDump a raw frame to file.
 -s, --set=Sets a control value.
     --revert                 Restores original captured image.
     --flipFlips the image. (h, v)
     --crop[,] Crop a part of the image.
     --scaleScales the image.
     --rotateRotates the image in right angles.
     --deinterlace            Reduces interlace artifacts.
     --invert                 Inverts the images colours.
     --greyscale              Removes colour from the image.
     --swapchannelsSwap channels c1 and c2.
     --no-banner              Hides the banner.
     --top-banner             Puts the banner at the top.
     --bottom-banner          Puts the banner at the bottom. (Default)
     --banner-colourSets the banner colour. (#AARRGGBB)
     --line-colourSets the banner line colour.
     --text-colourSets the text colour.
     --font <[name][:size]>   Sets the font and/or size.
     --no-shadow              Disables the text shadow.
     --shadow                 Enables the text shadow.
     --titleSets the main title. (top left)
     --no-title               Clears the main title.
     --subtitleSets the sub-title. (bottom left)
     --no-subtitle            Clears the sub-title.
     --timestampSets the timestamp format. (top right)
     --no-timestamp           Clears the timestamp.
     --gmt                    Use GMT instead of local timezone.
     --infoSets the info text. (bottom right)
     --no-info                Clears the info text.
     --underlaySets the underlay image.
     --no-underlay            Clears the underlay.
     --overlaySets the overlay image.
     --no-overlay             Clears the overlay.
     --jpegOutputs a JPEG image. (-1, 0 - 95)
     --pngOutputs a PNG image. (-1, 0 - 10)
     --saveSave image to file.
     --execExecute a command and wait for it to complete.

Using fswebcam

Check for devices under /dev/ that have video0. Run the lsusb command to get information about the relevant camera. Run the following command in the terminal to capture a photo from the camera.

fswebcam --no-banner -r 640x480 image.jpg

Capturing Images with fswebcam and USB Camera on Raspberry Pi

Alternatively, you can directly use:

fswebcam image.jpg

You can take a photo directly, -d is used to specify which camera device to use. -r specifies the resolution of the image, and the last is the path where the photo is saved.

If the captured photo is completely dark, it may be related to the camera’s startup delay. You can solve this by adding the -S parameter to skip the first few frames. For example, use the command:

fswebcam -S 10 image.jpg

The links in the text can be clicked to read the original text at the end

Capturing Images with fswebcam and USB Camera on Raspberry Pi

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Capturing Images with fswebcam and USB Camera on Raspberry Pi

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