DIY Guide: How to Create a Vintage Instant Camera from a Cardboard Box

DIY Guide: How to Create a Vintage Instant Camera from a Cardboard Box

Now, nothing can stop girls from taking selfies. This is similar to a statement mentioned by iFanr when interpreting humanity’s understanding of artificial intelligence: Just like 100 years ago when people said cameras would steal a person’s soul, now girls feel lost without taking selfies. Girls who love taking selfies will document their lives through … Read more

The Rise of Modular Smartphone Cameras: A Trend for the Future?

The Rise of Modular Smartphone Cameras: A Trend for the Future?

Translated from Feixiang Network整理 | 小咖酱 How many cameras does your phone have? Phones have evolved from a single rear camera to now commonly having three or four rear cameras, and some manufacturers have even launched phones with five rear cameras. As phones continue to update, the number of rear cameras is also increasing. With … Read more
