Where to Find MCU and RTOS Resources, Documentation, and Source Code?

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Where to Find MCU and RTOS Resources, Documentation, and Source Code?

Author | strongerHuang
WeChat Public Account | Embedded Column
I’ve often seen some friends asking in the group chat: **Where to download materials,** documentation, and **source code?**

Where to find materials, documentation, and source code?

Many beginners like to search for materials, documentation, and source code on Baidu, which is fine, but many beginners often don’t know what the websites they find are…
I just want to say that there are many websites whose materials are not worth downloading; here I will briefly mention where to find materials.
1. Official Website
I often say that the best place to find materials is the official website because it is the most authoritative. For example, if you are using ST chips, you should go to the ST official website; if you are using TI chips, you should go to the TI official website.
2. Third-party Forums
For embedded learners, I also recommend visiting third-party development board forums or online education forums. For example: platforms like ZDAS, Wei Dongshan, YeHuo, and AnfuLai have a lot of systematic learning materials.
3. Excellent Personal Blogs and Websites
When you are learning, you will definitely search for materials, and if you find a personal blog or website that you think is good, you can bookmark it for future review and reference.

RTOS Source Code Download Addresses

I have also observed that many friends are learning RTOS and often ask what RTOS options are available, how to choose, where to download, and other related questions.
Here, I will share the source code download addresses (official addresses) of commonly used RTOS.
1. μC/OS
μC/OS is a relatively good RTOS in my opinion. Its source code structure, comments, naming, etc., programming style, is very friendly for those who want to read the source code.

Official Website:


(Original: http://micrium.com/page/home)

Source Code Address:


Includes uC-OS2, uC-OS3 kernel source code, as well as source code for various components like USB, HTTP, TCP-IP, FS, etc.

Where to Find MCU and RTOS Resources, Documentation, and Source Code?

2. RT-Thread
RT-Thread is a good real-time operating system in China, which everyone is somewhat familiar with. It also has a rich variety of components, making it convenient for developers to quickly complete a project.

Official Website:


Source Code Address:


Includes RT-Thread various source codes and corresponding tools for download.

Where to Find MCU and RTOS Resources, Documentation, and Source Code?

3. FreeRTOS
FreeRTOS is open-source and free, and it has accumulated a large number of users in the early days, so many developers still use FreeRTOS as the preferred operating system for new projects.

Official Website:


Source Code Address:


Similarly, FreeRTOS has enriched its components a lot after being acquired by Amazon.

Where to Find MCU and RTOS Resources, Documentation, and Source Code?

4. Azure RTOS ThreadX
Azure RTOS ThreadX, referred to as ThreadX, caused quite a stir after it was acquired by Microsoft and open-sourced.

Official Website:


Source Code Address:


Where to Find MCU and RTOS Resources, Documentation, and Source Code?

ThreadX has launched documentation for different countries:

All four of these RTOS have been open-sourced and follow certain open-source protocols. Please see: µC/OS, FreeRTOS, RT-Thread, ThreadX open-source protocol details.

Other Source Code Download Addresses

Due to space limitations, here are some relatively less popular RTOS download addresses:
1. TencentOS tiny
2. NuttX
3. LiteOS
4. AtomThreads
5. Arm Mbed OS

———— END ————

Where to Find MCU and RTOS Resources, Documentation, and Source Code?

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Where to Find MCU and RTOS Resources, Documentation, and Source Code?

Where to Find MCU and RTOS Resources, Documentation, and Source Code?

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