STM32 ThreadX GUIX Project Template Release

STM32 ThreadX GUIX Project Template Release


1. For first-time users of GUIX, details will be shared in later tutorials.

2. Main board chip of the development board:

(1) V5 is STM32F407IGT6

(2) V6 is STM32F429BIT6

(3) V7 is STM32H743XIH6

3. The template for the V5 board is not yet complete; it will be shared with everyone this weekend. I intended to organize and release it as well, but when I saw it was 5 AM, I decided to postpone it to the weekend.STM32 ThreadX GUIX Project Template ReleaseTemplate download (click the original text at the end to download):

STM32 ThreadX GUIX Project Template Release

STM32 ThreadX GUIX Project Template ReleasePrecautions:1. Capacitive screens do not require calibration; for resistive screens, enable the touch calibration in the MainTask.c file.

2. MDK must be version 5.30 or above, the forum has mirror downloads.

3. IAR should use version IAR8.30 or above.

4. Embedded Studio should use version 4.50 or above; the forum has mirror downloads.

5. It is recommended to rename the project folder from Chinese to English to compile, to prevent compilation errors; MDK, IAR, and Embedded Studio all require this. I used a Chinese name mainly for convenience in understanding project information. In most cases, even with Chinese names, compilation should be fine without modification.

6. MDK AC6 and IAR’s Browser Info need to wait for the progress bar at the bottom to complete, which takes a long time; this process is unrelated to whether the project is compiled. Embedded Studio can use ‘go to def’ as soon as the compilation is complete.

STM32 ThreadX GUIX Project Template ReleaseThis template will initially use source code to let everyone experience it; later examples will be provided in library form as needed. If the computer’s performance is slightly lower, using MDK AC6, IAR, or Embedded Studio will take longer. With better performance, it should be under 10 minutes; with lower performance, it could take over 10 minutes.

Fortunately, we are no longer using MDK AC5; if we were, the compilation time would increase several times.

Simply created a GUIX Studio interface effect for the template example.

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