In some provinces, the computer exam is listed as a mandatory subject for higher education entrance exams.Computer science is considered relatively simple and can significantly improve scores quickly; its review method is similar to that of liberal arts. To successfully pass the higher education computer exam, one word sums it up: “memorization.”
Below is a comprehensive summary of the key points for the 2020 higher education computer exams compiled for candidates. Those preparing for the exam should review it carefully.
Mandatory Knowledge Points for Higher Education Computer Exams
1. The symbolization of information is data, so data is the specific representation of information, while information is the logical meaning abstracted from data.
2. Information technology refers to the relevant technologies used by people to acquire, store, transmit, process, develop, and utilize information resources.
3. The core of culture is: concepts and values.
4. Computer culture is one of the four milestones in the development of human culture (the first three being the emergence of language, the use of writing, and the invention of printing).
5. The characteristics of computers are: 1) Fast computation speed 2) Large storage capacity 3) Strong versatility 4) Automation 5) High accuracy
6. Word length is the actual number of bits that a computer can process at one time, and it is an important indicator of computing performance.
7. Word length refers to the number of bits of binary data that the arithmetic unit of the computer can process simultaneously, which is closely related to the computer’s functions and uses.
8. Character encoding mainly uses ASCII code, which stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange.
9. When representing Chinese characters internally in a computer, the highest bit of the two-byte exchange code (national standard code) is set to 1, which is called “internal code.”
10. There are usually two methods to record the shape of Chinese characters: dot matrix and vector methods, corresponding to two types of character encoding: dot matrix code and vector code.
11. A 16×16 dot matrix Chinese character occupies 32 bytes, while a 32×32 dot matrix character occupies 128 bytes, and dot matrix codes are difficult to scale and prone to distortion.
12. Chinese input codes can be divided into four types: flow code, phonetic code, shape code, and combined phonetic-shape code. Full spelling input methods, intelligent ABC, and Microsoft Pinyin are phonetic codes, while Wubi input method is a shape code. Phonetic codes have many duplicates and slow input speed; shape codes have fewer duplicates and faster input speed, but are harder to learn and master. Currently, intelligent ABC, Microsoft Pinyin, Ziguang Pinyin input method, and Sogou input method are mainstream Chinese input methods.
13. A computer system consists of hardware and software systems, and the software system can be divided into system software and application software, among which the operating system is the most important system software.
14. A computer without any configured software is called bare metal.
15. Common input devices include: mouse, keyboard, scanner, digitizer, digital camera, barcode reader, digital camera, A/D converter, etc.
16. The controller and arithmetic unit are collectively referred to as the Central Processing Unit (CPU). It is the core component of the computer.
17. The most commonly used output devices are monitors, printers, and speakers, along with plotters and various D/A converters.
18. From the perspective of information input and output, disk drives and tape drives can be viewed as both input and output devices.
19. An instruction is a command that instructs the computer to perform a certain operation, consisting of a string of binary digits, which includes an operation code and an address code.
20. A computer has many instructions, each serving different purposes. The collection of all instructions is called the computer instruction set. Different computer systems have different instruction sets, and the common instruction sets are Complex Instruction Set Computer (CISC) and Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC).
21. Software refers to the totality of programs, data, and related documents required for the operation of a computer. Data is the processing object of programs, and documents are materials related to the development, maintenance, and use of programs.
22. System software is the closest layer to hardware in a computer system, mainly including operating systems, language processing programs, database management systems, supporting service software, etc.
23. The operating system (OS) is a collection of systematized programs that control and manage computer resources, serving as an interface between users and the computer hardware system, providing a bridge for users and application software to access and control computer hardware.
24. An algorithm is characterized by: ① finiteness; ② definiteness; ③ feasibility; ④ input/output.
25. The operating system is a large management control program that includes five management functions: processor management, storage management, device management, file management, and job management.
(1) Can be divided into real-time operating systems, time-sharing operating systems, and batch processing operating systems based on their operating environment.
(2) Can be divided into single-user operating systems and multi-user operating systems based on the number of users managed.
(3) Can be divided into single-user single-task operating systems, single-user multi-task operating systems, and multi-user multi-task operating systems based on the number of jobs managed simultaneously.
27. Common database management systems include FoxPro, FoxBASE+, Access on microcomputers, and large database management systems such as Oracle, DB2, Sybase, SQL Server, etc., all of which are relational database management systems.
28. The foundation of program design: data structures and algorithms are the two main aspects of programs; it can usually be considered that: program = algorithm + data structure.
29. Programming languages:
(1) Machine language: the only language that computer systems can recognize without translation.
(2) Assembly language: the symbolization of machine language.
(3) High-level language: greatly improves programming efficiency.
30. Machine language and assembly language are generally referred to as low-level languages.
31. High-level languages can be divided into two categories: interpreted and compiled.
32. An interpreter: An interpreter takes source code written in a programming language (such as Basic) and interprets and executes each statement in the source code one by one, producing results without generating target programs.
33. A compiler: A compiler translates source code written in high-level language into an equivalent target program represented in machine language, a process known as compilation.
34. A microprocessor (CPU) is a large-scale integrated circuit chip that integrates the arithmetic unit, controller, and high-speed internal cache, and is the most important core component of a computer.
35. A microcontroller integrates a microprocessor (CPU), a certain capacity of memory, and I/O interface circuits into a single chip.
36. A single-board computer installs a microprocessor, memory, and I/O interface circuits on a printed circuit board.
37. A PC (Personal Computer) is a microcomputer designed for single-user use, which is currently the most widely used type of microcomputer.
38. Portable microcomputers generally include laptops and personal digital assistants (PDAs).
39. The memory in a microcomputer generally refers to random access memory (RAM). The main frequency is measured in hertz (Hz).
40. Commonly used memory types include SDRAM and DDR SDRAM, as well as DDR II SDRAM.
41. A floppy disk has a diameter of 3.5 inches and a capacity of 1.44 MB.
42. A floppy disk has a write protection notch; when the notch is in the protected state (i.e., the write protection notch is open), it can only read information from the disk and cannot write, preventing data erasure or rewriting, and also preventing virus intrusion.
43. The buses in a microcomputer are generally divided into data buses, address buses, and control buses, which are used to transmit data, data addresses, and control signals, respectively.
44. The motherboard is the largest circuit board in a microcomputer system, sometimes referred to as the main board or system board, and is a large printed circuit board with various ports.
45. A computer with multimedia processing capabilities is called a multimedia computer. Multimedia has the characteristics of diversity, real-time, interactivity, and integration.
46. The development of computers:
(1) First generation (1946—1957) vacuum tube computers, machine language, assembly language, scientific computing.
(2) Second generation (1958—1964) transistor computers, transistors, high-level programming languages, data processing.
(3) Third generation (1965—1970) integrated circuit computers, small and medium-scale integrated circuits, high-level programming languages widely applied in various fields.
(4) Fourth generation (1971—present) integrated circuit computers, integrated circuits, object-oriented high-level languages, and the network era.
(5) Fifth generation Future computers, photonic, quantum, DNA, etc.
47. The operating system has four main characteristics: (1) concurrency (2) sharing (3) virtualization (4) asynchrony.
48. Concurrency refers to two or more running programs executing simultaneously within the same time interval.
49. The operating system is a concurrent system, and systems that use concurrency technology are also called multi-task systems.
50. File management mainly completes the following tasks: providing logical organization methods for files, providing physical organization methods for files, providing methods for accessing files, providing methods for using files, implementing directory management for files, implementing access control for files, and managing file storage space.
51. Operating systems can generally be divided into three basic types: 1) batch processing systems; 2) time-sharing systems; 3) real-time systems.
52. With the development of computer science, many types of operating systems have emerged, mainly including embedded operating systems, personal operating systems, network operating systems, distributed operating systems, etc.
53. Batch processing operating systems work as follows: users submit jobs to system operators, who compile jobs from multiple users into a batch, input them into the computer, forming an automated continuous job flow in the system, then start the operating system to automatically execute each job in sequence, and finally return the job results to the users.
54. Time-sharing operating systems work as follows: one host connects several terminals, each with a user, who interactively issues command requests to the system. The system accepts each user’s commands and processes the service requests in a time-slice round-robin manner, displaying results to the users on the terminals interactively.
55. Real-time operating systems respond promptly to external event requests, completing processing of those events within strict time limits, and coordinating the work of all real-time devices and tasks.
56. Embedded operating systems run in embedded system environments, coordinating, scheduling, directing, and controlling the entire embedded system and its components.
57. Based on the number of users using the computer at the same time, operating systems can be divided into single-user operating systems and multi-user operating systems.
58. A single-user operating system allows only one user to use the computer at the same time, enjoying all hardware and software resources alone, while a multi-user operating system allows multiple users to use the computer simultaneously.
59. If a user can run multiple applications (each called a task) at the same time, the operating system is called a multi-task operating system; if a user can only run one application at a time, the corresponding operating system is called a single-task operating system.
60. Early DOS operating systems were single-user single-task operating systems, while Windows 7 is a single-user multi-task operating system.
61. Network operating systems are based on computer networks, developed on various computer operating systems according to network architecture, protocols, and standards, including network management, communication, security, resource sharing, and various network applications, with the goal of enabling communication and resource sharing.
62. A large number of computers connected through the network can achieve extremely high computing power and extensive data sharing, which is called a distributed system.
63. MS-DOS has a character-based user interface and operates and manages through command line, which is inconvenient and requires users to memorize a lot of DOS commands.
64. The Unix operating system is a general-purpose, interactive time-sharing operating system.
65. The Mac OS operating system, launched by Apple Inc., runs on Macintosh computers. Mac OS is the pioneer of fully graphical interfaces and operating methods.
66. Windows XP is currently most popular in its Home and Professional editions.
67. A shortcut is a file with the extension .lnk, usually associated with an application or document.
68. The minimum system requirements for Windows are:
(1) Recommended computer clock frequency of 300 MHz or higher, at least 233 MHz (single or dual processor systems), recommended Intel Pentium/Celeron series, AMD K6/Athlon/Duron series or compatible processors;
(2) Recommended 128 MB RAM or higher (minimum support 64 MB, which may affect performance and some functions);
(3) 1.5 GB of available hard disk space;
(4) Super VGA (800×600) or higher resolution video adapter and monitor;
(6) Keyboard and Microsoft mouse or compatible pointing device.
69. Windows windows are highly unified in appearance, style, and operation.
(1) Border (2) Title bar (3) Menu bar (4) Toolbar (5) Status bar (6) Document view (7) Scroll bar
(1) A modal dialog box refers to a type of dialog box that disables the main program window when open; only by closing this dialog box can the main window be processed.
(2) A non-modal dialog box is one that allows the main window to be processed even when the dialog box is displayed.
(3) A file (File) refers to a collection of related information stored on external storage.
(4) A file can contain a program, an article, a piece of music, an image, etc.
(5) Certain symbols such as /, \, *, ?, <, >, | cannot be used in file names.
(6) The main file name should relate to the content of the file, and the extension is used to distinguish the file type, hence the extension is also called the type name.
(7) At any given time, only one node can be in an open state; when a node is in an open state, its name will change to blue, and some node icons will also change accordingly.
(8) Windows’ excellent features are attributed to the use of the advanced Unicode character set. The Unicode character set is a 16-bit character encoding standard developed by the Unicode Consortium.
(9) The right side of the console lists user accounts on the computer; the Administrator and Guest accounts are automatically created during the installation of the Windows system, enabling management during the first login to the computer.
(10) To prevent unauthorized users from attempting to log in to the computer as Administrator, the Administrator account can be renamed but not deleted.
(11) The Guest account can be disabled or renamed for security purposes, but cannot be deleted by the administrator.
(12) The Paint program is a simple drawing tool that allows users to create black-and-white or color graphics and save them as bitmap files (.bmp), which can be printed, set as desktop backgrounds, or pasted into other documents, and can also be used to view and edit scanned photos.
(13) WordPad and Notepad are two text processing programs that come with Windows 7, both providing basic text editing functions.
(14) WordPad has stronger functionality, allowing the creation and editing of formatted files, with an interface and usage method very similar to Word.
(15) Notepad is a text file editor that users can use to edit simple documents or create web pages. Notepad is very easy to use, and the files it edits are text files, making it very convenient for editing source code in advanced languages.
(16) In the 1980s, widely used word processing systems included WPS, table editing software CCED, and document editing systems such as Word Star.
(17) Layout design is an important task that includes page setup, page numbering, column layout, and the setting of headers and footers.
(18) Microsoft Office has seven commonly used components for daily office tasks: Word for word processing, Excel for spreadsheet processing, PowerPoint for presentations, Access for database management, InfoPath for dynamic forms, Outlook for email management, and Publisher for desktop publishing.
(19) The title bar is located at the top of the window and is blue by default. It contains the application name, document name, and control buttons.
(20) The method to show or hide toolbars is to right-click on any position of the toolbar or tab and select the desired toolbar from the pop-up shortcut menu.
(21) The task pane can be invoked through “Page Layout” – “Task Pane”.
(22) Rulers come in horizontal and vertical types, used to determine the position of documents on the screen and paper. The horizontal ruler can also be used to adjust paragraph indentations and margins, and tab stops can be set using the ruler.
(23) The status bar is located at the bottom of the window and displays the current status of the form, such as the current page number, section number, current page and total pages, cursor insertion point position, overwrite/insert status, current language used, and other information.
(24) Common methods to start Word 2010 include:
(1) Click “Start” → “Programs” → “Microsoft Office” → “Microsoft Office Word 2010”.
(2) Double-click the Word shortcut icon established on the desktop.
(3) Double-click an established Word document.
(25) Common methods to exit Word 2010 include:
(1) Click the “Close” button in the upper right corner of the Word window.
(2) Click the “Exit” command in the “File” menu.
(3) Double-click the control icon in the upper left corner of the Word window or use the shortcut key Alt+F4.
(26) Click the “Options” command in the “Tools” menu, in the pop-up dialog box, click the “Save” tab, check the “Automatic save time interval” checkbox and set the automatic save time interval to edit your work without worries.
(1) Click the “Open” command in the “File” tab.
(2) Click the “Open” tool button on the common toolbar.
(3) Use the shortcut key Ctrl+O.
(4) Click one of the four recently used documents usually listed below the “File” tab (to set the number of documents listed under the “File” menu, select the “Options” command from the “Tools” menu, click the “General” tab, and set the number in the “List recently used files” textbox).
(28) To create a new blank document:
(1) Directly click the “New” button on the common toolbar.
(2) Use the shortcut key Ctrl+N.
(29) To close a document:
(1) Click the “Close” command in the “File” menu to close the currently edited document.
(2) Click the “Close” button in the upper right corner of the document window to close the currently edited document.
(30) Using keyboard commands or shortcuts: press the Home and End keys to quickly move the insertion point to the beginning or end of the document; press Ctrl+Home and Ctrl+End to quickly move the insertion point to the start or end of the document.
(31) Word provides two types of input states: “insert” and “overwrite”. The “insert” state means that the text typed will be inserted at the current cursor position, moving the text after the cursor sequentially; the “overwrite” state means that the text typed will overwrite the text after the cursor sequentially.