ESP32-C3 E-Ink Screen Electronic Clock Using Micropython

ESP32-C3 E-Ink Screen Electronic Clock Using Micropython

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The article “ESP32-C3 Driving E-Ink Screen and Displaying Images (Based on Micropython)” introduces the driving of a 2.9-inch E-Ink screen, achieving text display on the E-Ink screen. This note introduces the E-Ink screen clock we designed and produced.

1. Required Hardware

1) Holo’s ESP32-C3:

ESP32-C3 E-Ink Screen Electronic Clock Using Micropython

2) The 2.9-inch E-Ink screen taken from an electronic price tag:

ESP32-C3 E-Ink Screen Electronic Clock Using Micropython

The electronic price tag model is: Stellar-L, and the E-Ink screen model is: E029A01.
3) A self-designed E-Ink screen driver board:

ESP32-C3 E-Ink Screen Electronic Clock Using Micropython

——This PCB is relatively complex, with more than 20 surface mount capacitors, resistors, and diodes, plus surface mount AHT20 and 24P FPC, making soldering a bit difficult. It is recommended to use a heating platform and solder paste.

4) A 3.7V 402030 lithium battery:

ESP32-C3 E-Ink Screen Electronic Clock Using Micropython

——This small lithium battery (402030) bought from Lichuang Mall can just fit behind the E-Ink screen clock.
5) The back of the E-Ink screen clock:

ESP32-C3 E-Ink Screen Electronic Clock Using Micropython

2. Schematic Diagram

ESP32-C3 E-Ink Screen Electronic Clock Using Micropython

——The E-Ink screen uses the SPI protocol, with 8 pins connected to the ESP32-C3:
mosi = Pin(3)
sck = Pin(2)
cs = Pin(7)
dc = Pin(4)
rst = Pin(5)
busy = Pin(6)
——The power scheme uses the ETA6093 charge and discharge chip. This chip only needs to add a switch and two LED indicators to utilize the USB port of the ESP32-C3 for charging and discharging, which is very convenient. However, there is a significant drawback – high power consumption, basically the 150mA lithium battery runs out in half a day. Therefore, this E-Ink screen clock basically needs to be continuously connected to power.

3. Required Drivers

1) E-Ink screen driver

There is an E-Ink screen driver on Github, choose the 2.9-inch

2) framebuf

Driving the E-Ink screen requires using the framebuf module that comes with Micropython, but the Micropython’s built-in framebuf module can only display fixed-size text and cannot rotate direction. We found a framebuf module extracted from CircuitPython, which supports rotation and font size but still does not support Chinese. We named this module

3) ahtx0

The driver board integrates the AHT20, and we found a driver on Github.

The download link for the three modules: “Firmware, Drivers, Examples, and Related Software Downloads”

4. Test Code

The E-Ink screen clock needs to display the date, week, time, temperature, and humidity. The date, week, and time need to be obtained or calibrated online, while the temperature and humidity are obtained through the AHT20 on the driver board.

1) Connect to the Internet

There are many codes online for ESP32 to connect to the Internet, and the official also provides examples:

def do_connect():
    # Connect to the Internet
    import network
    wlan = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF)
    if not wlan.isconnected():
        print('connecting to network...')
        wlan.connect('XXX', 'XXX')  # Fill in your WIFI name and password
        while not wlan.isconnected():
    print('network config:', wlan.ifconfig())

2) Get or calibrate the time

Get or calibrate the time through the NTP server, here we use Alibaba Cloud’s NTP server:

def sync_ntp():
    # Time synchronization
    print("Starting to synchronize network time")
    import ntptime
        ntptime.NTP_DELTA = 3155644800  # Optional UTC+8 offset time (seconds), not set is UTC0 = ''  # Optional, NTP server, default is ""
        ntptime.settime()  # Modify device time, up to this point it has been set
    except Exception as e:
        print("Error synchronizing NTP time", repr(e))

3) E-Ink screen pin and driver definitions

Refer to “ESP32-C3 Driving E-Ink Screen and Displaying Images (Based on Micropython)”:

# Define corresponding pins
mosi = Pin(3)
sck = Pin(2)
cs = Pin(7)
dc = Pin(8)
rst = Pin(10)
busy = Pin(6)
spi = SPI(1, baudrate=2000000, polarity=0, phase=0, sck=sck, mosi=mosi)
i2c = I2C(scl=Pin(5), sda=Pin(4))

# Create E-Ink screen driver object
e = epaper2in9.EPD(spi, cs, dc, rst, busy)

# Define the content to be displayed
width = 128
height = 296
x = 0
y = 0
black = 0
white = 1

# Create framebuf object
buf = bytearray(width * height // 8)  # 296 * 128 // 8 = 4736
fb = cframebuf.FrameBuffer(buf, width, height, cframebuf.MHMSB)
fb.rotation = 1  # Adjust the display direction, can choose between 0/1 for 90 degrees right/2 for 180/3 for 270 degrees

# Connect to the Internet, calibrate time, initialize temperature and humidity
sensor = ahtx0.AHT10(i2c)  # Convert the week to English for display
weekday_dict = {
    0: "Monday",
    1: "Tuesday",
    2: "Wednesday",
    3: "Thursday",
    4: "Friday",
    5: "Saturday",
    6: "Sunday"}

4) Use a while True loop to display time, temperature, and humidity

    while True:
        year = localtime_now[0]
        month = localtime_now[1]
        day = localtime_now[2]
        hour = localtime_now[3]
        minute = localtime_now[4]
        weekday = localtime_now[6]
        showdate="%.2d-%.2d-%.2d" % (year, month, day)
        showtime="%.2d:%.2d" % (hour, minute)

        fb.text(showdate, 10, 10, black, size=2)
        fb.text(weekday_dict[weekday], 200, 10, black, size=2)
        fb.hline(0, 30, 296, black)  # Draw a horizontal line
        fb.text(showtime, 70, 40, black, size=5)
        fb.hline(0, 90, 296, black)  # Draw a horizontal line
        fb.text("Tem:%0.1fC" % (sensor.temperature-2), 20, 100, black, size=2)
        fb.text("Hum:%0.1f%%" % (sensor.relative_humidity+10), 170, 100, black, size=2)
        e.set_frame_memory(buf, x, y, width, height)

——The official document of the E-Ink screen recommends not to refresh too frequently, at least more than 15 seconds, so we set it to 19 seconds.

Final display effect:

ESP32-C3 E-Ink Screen Electronic Clock Using Micropython

We only designed a simple interface, and it can be beautified further if needed.

ESP32-C3 E-Ink Screen Electronic Clock Using Micropython


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