Real-time Image Transmission Using ESP32-S3 Camera and MicroPython

Real-time Image Transmission Using ESP32-S3 Camera and MicroPython

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Real-time Image Transmission Using ESP32-S3 Camera and MicroPython
Real-time Image Transmission Using ESP32-S3 Camera and MicroPython

The previous note “ESP32-S3 Camera Captures Photos at 1600X1200 Resolution” implemented capturing a high-resolution photo using the camera. This time, we will use the camera to achieve real-time image transmission on a webpage.

1.Web Image Transmission Effect

ESP32-S3 calls the camera to transmit the captured image in real-time to a webpage built with Microdot, as shown below:

Real-time Image Transmission Using ESP32-S3 Camera and MicroPython

2.Microdot Introduction

Microdot is a lightweight web framework based on MicroPython that provides a simple and lightweight solution for web development.

Microdot has characteristics such as ease of use, lightweight, and scalability. It can generate a simple webpage with just a few functions, making it very suitable for building small web applications or IoT devices in resource-constrained environments.

Real-time Image Transmission Using ESP32-S3 Camera and MicroPython

GitHub sometimes doesn’t work well, so I put the library on Gitee, feel free to download it if needed:

3.Test Code

The principle of web image transmission: call the network library to send the captured image from the camera to a simple webpage built with Microdot, achieving real-time video.

The ESP32-S3 connection code is as follows:

def connect():    wlan = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF)    if not wlan.isconnected():        print('ESP32-S3 is connecting to the network...')        wlan.connect('SSID', 'password')# Modify WiFi account and password here        while not wlan.isconnected():            pass    print('Network information: ', wlan.ifconfig())    ifconfig = wlan.ifconfig()    print('Please open in the browser: {}:5000'.format(ifconfig[0]))

The complete code is as follows:

from microdot import Microdotimport timeimport cameraimport networkdef connect():    wlan = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF)    if not wlan.isconnected():        print('ESP32-S3 is connecting to the network...')        wlan.connect('20', '')        while not wlan.isconnected():            pass    print('Network information: ', wlan.ifconfig())    ifconfig = wlan.ifconfig()    print('Please open in the browser: {}:5000'.format(ifconfig[0]))connect()app = Microdot()# Initialize camerafor i in range(5):    cam = camera.init(0, d0=6, d1=47, d2=48, d3=7, d4=12, d5=10, d6=38, d7=40,                        format=camera.JPEG, framesize=camera.FRAME_HVGA,                         xclk_freq=camera.XCLK_10MHz,                        href=41, vsync=42, reset=45, pwdn=-1,                        sioc=46, siod=21, xclk=39, pclk=11)    print(

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