The Evolution of ARM Servers: Three Waves and a History

The Evolution of ARM Servers: Three Waves and a History

In recent years, companies like Apple and NVIDIA have introduced ARM-based processors like the Apple M1 and Grace, raising expectations for ARM’s application in the server domain.ARM architecture processors are recognized as an important architecture for next-generation server processors due to their excellent energy efficiency and support for cloud computing.Fountainbridge Capital has consistently focused on … Read more

Key Points Analysis of High Performance Implementation of ARM Cortex-M7 Core in Embedded MCU

Key Points Analysis of High Performance Implementation of ARM Cortex-M7 Core in Embedded MCU

Summary 1. Introduction to ARM Cortex-M7 Core 2. High Performance Implementation of ARM Cortex-M7 Core 2.1 Dual Issue 6-stage Instruction Pipeline with Branch Prediction 2.2 Instruction Set Extension (ISA) vs. Dual Issue 2.3 Tight Coupled Memory (TCM) 2.4 Dedicated DMA Access Interface for TCM (AHBS) 2.5 Cache 2.6 High Performance Peripheral Interface (AHBP) 2.7 High … Read more

Exploring the Integration of ARM and FPGA: What Innovations Will Emerge?

Exploring the Integration of ARM and FPGA: What Innovations Will Emerge?

Follow,Star Public Account Number, to reach exciting content Public Account: ZYNQ Author: watchman Why Did ARM Wear the FPGA Vest, Named “Zynq”? The term Zynq easily evokes the idea of zinc, the most common chemical element found in batteries, solar screens, alloys, and pharmaceuticals. Alloys of zinc with other metals can achieve enhanced functions, showcasing … Read more

Understanding the Cortex-M Interrupt/Exception System and Priority/Nesting

Understanding the Cortex-M Interrupt/Exception System and Priority/Nesting

Follow and star the public account to access wonderful content Compiled by: Technology makes dreams greater | Li Xiaoyao Link: Problem Recently, while using the STM32F3 chip, I encountered a problem: If the frequency of external interrupts is fast enough, how to handle the new interrupt if the previous one has not been processed? … Read more

Understanding the Instruction Set of Cortex-M Series Processors

Understanding the Instruction Set of Cortex-M Series Processors

In most cases, application code can be written in C or other high-level languages. However, a basic understanding of the instruction set supported by Cortex-M processors helps developers choose the appropriate Cortex-M processor for specific applications. The instruction set architecture (ISA) is part of the processor architecture, and Cortex-M processors can be divided into several … Read more

Efficient Performance Without Sacrificing Power Consumption – Diverse Low Power Modes of the Cortex-M4 Series Products

Efficient Performance Without Sacrificing Power Consumption - Diverse Low Power Modes of the Cortex-M4 Series Products

BSP Address: (Please copy to an external browser to open) NuMicro M480 High-Performance Series Diverse Low Power Modes Meet Your Various System Needs In recent years, markets such as industrial Internet, big data, cloud applications, IoT wireless modules, and mobile devices have been thriving. The specifications for microcontrollers not only demand performance but also … Read more

Introducing TI’s Speech Recognition Library Based on Cortex-M4 with API and User Manuals

Introducing TI's Speech Recognition Library Based on Cortex-M4 with API and User Manuals

Description: 1. This speech recognition library can recognize 11 short phrases and can change the recognized content at any time. 2. Since the library is written in pure C and has an IAR version, it should also be possible to port it to chips from other manufacturers. 3. The software includes an API manual and … Read more
