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When learning MCU development, debugging is definitely an essential step.
This article discusses the debugging interfaces related knowledge using STM32F1 and Cortex-M3 as examples (the principles are similar for other series chips/cores).
In STM32, there are many debugging components that can perform various debugging functions, including breakpoints, data watchpoints, flash address reloading, and various tracing.
Debugging Block Diagram
The debugging block diagram of STM32F1 and Cortex™-M3:
Tip: The hardware debugging module included in the Cortex™-M3 core is a subset of the ARM CoreSight development toolset.
The ARM Cortex™-M3 core provides integrated on-chip debugging capabilities. It consists of the following parts:
SWJ-DP: Serial/JTAG Debug Port
AHP-AP: AHB Access Port
ITM: Instrumentation Trace Macrocell
FPB: Flash Patch and Breakpoint Unit
DWT: Data Watchpoint and Trace
TPUI: Trace Port Interface Unit (only supported on larger package chips)
ETM: Embedded Trace Macrocell (supported on larger packages with pins for this function), specifically for the debugging features of STM32F1
Flexible debugging pin assignments
MCU debug box (supports low power modes, controls peripheral clocks, etc.)
Debugging Interfaces
STM32 supports two debugging interfaces:
Serial Interface
JTAG Debug Interface
The five general I/O ports of STM32 can be used as SWJ-DP (Serial/JTAG Debug) interface pins:
SWJ Debug Port (Serial Wire and JTAG)
The STM32 core integrates a Serial/JTAG debug interface (SWJ-DP). This is the standard ARM CoreSight debug interface, including the JTAG-DP interface (5 pins) and the SW-DP interface (2 pins).
1. JTAG Debug Interface (JTAG-DP) provides a 5-pin standard JTAG interface for the AHP-AP module.
2. Serial Debug Interface (SW-DP) provides a 2-pin (clock + data) interface for the AHP-AP module.
SWJ Debug Port:
Mechanism for Switching Between JTAG-DP and SW-DP
The JTAG debug interface is the default debug interface. If the debugger wants to switch to SW-DP, it must output a specified JTAG sequence on TMS/TCK (mapped to SWDIO and SWCLK respectively), which disables JTAG-DP and activates SW-DP. This method can activate the SW-DP interface using only the SWCLK and SWDIO two pins.
The specified sequence is:
1. Output TMS (SWDIO) = 1 signal for more than 50 TCK cycles
2. Output 16 TMS (SWDIO) signals 0111100111100111 (MSB)
3. Output TMS (SWDIO) = 1 signal for more than 50 TCK cycles
Internal Pull-Up and Pull-Down on JTAG Pins
It is very important to ensure that the JTAG input pins are not floating, as they are directly connected to D flip-flops controlling the debug mode. Special attention must be paid to the SWCLK/TCK pins, as they are directly connected to the clock terminals of some D flip-flops.
JINTRST: Internal Pull-Up -
JTDI: Internal Pull-Up -
JTMS/SWDIO: Internal Pull-Up -
TCK/SWCLK: Internal Pull-Down
JNTRST: Input with Pull-Up -
JTDI: Input with Pull-Up -
JTMS/SWDIO: Input with Pull-Up -
JICK/SWCLK: Input with Pull-Down -
JTDO: Floating Input
Software can use these I/O pins as ordinary I/O pins.
Using Serial Interface and Releasing Unused Debug Pins as Ordinary I/O Pins
To utilize the serial debug interface to free some ordinary I/O pins, user software must set SWJ_CFG=010 after reset, thereby releasing PA15, PB3, and PB4 for use as ordinary I/O pins.
During debugging, the debugger performs the following operations:
At system reset, all SWJ pins are assigned as dedicated pins (JTAG-DP + SW-DP).
In the system reset state, the debugger sends a specified JTAG sequence to switch from JTAG-DP to SW-DP.
Still in system reset state, the debugger sets breakpoints at the reset address
Releases the reset signal, and the core stops at the reset address.
From here, all debugging communication will use the SW-DP interface, and other JTAG pins can be repurposed by user code as ordinary I/O pins.
Tip: This is where everyone needs to configure the relevant pins.
1. Cortex™-M3 (r1p1 version) Technical Reference Manual (TRM)
2. ARM Debug Interface V5
3. ARM CoreSight Development Toolset (r1p0 version) Technical Reference Manual
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