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In order to facilitate everyone to review and check articles on public transportation, subways, and going out, I have carefully selected and categorized some articles:Embedded Software Architecture Design Layering IdeasCommon “Safety” Operations of EEPROM in ProjectsIdeas for Implementing Hardware Watchdog + Software Watchdog to Monitor Multitasking Based on STM32 and FreeRTOSMethods for RTOS Multitasking Accessing the Same UARTMethods for Calculating CRC Values in Keil and IARA Common Problem of Mutex in RTOS TasksUses of HOOK Functions in RTOS Operating SystemsMethods for Resetting Process in Keil and IAR Without Initializing VariablesDetailed Explanation of STM32 Official IAP Example and Demo DemonstrationMethods for Changing Code (Program) Storage Address in Keil and IARMutual Conversion of Unicode, UTF-8, and ANSI Character EncodingWhy Design Patterns Are Rarely Used in Embedded Development?Several Methods and Considerations for Achieving Low Power Consumption in MicrocontrollersWriting a Flowing Light Program in Assembly and C LanguageWriting a Flowing Light Program in C++ Based on Keil and STM32The Lost Byte Data in Microcontroller UARTThe Cleverness of STM32Cube LL LibrarySharing a Simple Graphics Library on OLED (With Source Code)Design Ideas for Remote Upgrading Microcontroller ProgramsLow Power Design Ideas and Principles Based on STM32 and FreeRTOSSeveral Configuration Steps for Expanding SDRAM in Microcontroller SystemsHow to Write Embedded Solution Design Documents?Two Programming Ideas in Embedded DevelopmentMicrocontroller Product Development Process and Learning MethodsHow to Implement Custom Serial Communication Protocol?Is the Stack Size of RTOS Tasks Related to Code Volume?Several Methods for Outputting Debugging and Log Information in Embedded DevelopmentWhy Are Self-Designed Embedded Systems Less Stable Than Industrial Products?Usage and Differences of return, break, continue in C LanguageThe Role and Significance of Using do{…} while(0U) in ProjectsWhat Are the Differences Between Hardware Delay and Software Delay in MCU?Detailed Description of Modular Architecture Design for Microcontroller FirmwareThe Soul Question Defined by Project Requirement AnalysisHow Much Should the Tick of Real-Time Operating Systems Be Set?Several Methods to Enhance the Reliability of Embedded SystemsDesign for Anti-Interference of Embedded System Software and HardwareSolutions to Serial Port Blocking Combining Communication Protocol and FIFOObject-Oriented Thinking Architecture for Microcontrollers: Time Wheel MethodA Solution to Reduce Coupling Between ModulesGradually Improving······More Selected Content:
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