Getting Started with Raspberry Pi: Learning Linux through Raspberry Pi

Getting Started with Raspberry Pi: Learning Linux through Raspberry Pi

Our fourth article in the “Getting Started with Raspberry Pi” series will dive into the Linux command line.

— Andersn Silva

In the third article[1] of this series, we began our exploration of the Raspberry Pi, where I shared how to install Raspbian, the official Linux version for Raspberry Pi. Now that you have installed Raspbian and booted your new Raspberry Pi with it, you are ready to learn more about Linux.

It is clearly impractical to tackle a grand topic like “how to use Linux” in such a brief article, so I will just provide you with some ideas on how to use the Raspberry Pi to learn more about Linux.

Let’s take some time to start with the command line (also known as the “terminal”). Since the mid-1990s, Linux’s window managers[2] and graphical interfaces have made significant progress. Nowadays, you can do things on Linux with mouse clicks, just as easily as on other operating systems. In my opinion, there is a difference between “using Linux” and being “a Linux user”; the latter at least can “navigate” in the terminal.

Getting Started with Raspberry Pi: Learning Linux through Raspberry Pi

If you want to become a Linux user, start by trying the following commands from the terminal:

◈ Navigate to your Home directory using commands like ls, cd, and pwd.
◈ Create, delete, and rename directories using mkdir, rm, mv, and cp commands.
◈ Use a command line text editor (such as Vi, Vim, Emacs, or Nano) to create a text file.
◈ Try some other commands like chmod, chown, w, cat, more, less, tail, free, df, ps, uname, and kill.
◈ Explore other commands in the /bin and /usr/bin directories.

The best way to learn the command line is still to read its “man pages” (manual pages); type man <command> in the command line to open it as shown above. Additionally, searching online for Linux command cheat sheets can give you a clearer understanding of command usage—you should find a wealth of resources to help you learn.

Raspbian, like mainstream Linux distributions, has a vast number of commands, and in time, you will end up knowing more commands than others. I have been using the Linux command line for over twenty years, and even then, there are commands I have never used, even those that have existed throughout my usage.

Ultimately, you can work faster using the graphical environment, but only by delving into the Linux command line can you truly harness the power and knowledge of the operating system.


Author: Andersn Silva[4] Topic: lujun9972 Translator: qhwdw Proofreader: wxy

This article is originally compiled by LCTT and proudly presented by Linux China

Getting Started with Raspberry Pi: Learning Linux through Raspberry Pi

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