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On a business trip, can’t feed the cat at home in time? Tired after working late but still need to play with the cat? Raising a cat requires so much energy! The creativity of electronics shines here – DIY automatic cat feeder and cat teaser.

More practical project recommendations:
STM32 IoT Smart Home Project
Raspberry Pi + Compute Stick 2 for Real-time Face Recognition Project
Building a Cloud Computing Platform for Embedded Development Boards
STM32 Realizing the Simplest Air Mouse
Arduino Cube Robot
STM32 Version “AI Soul Painter”
STM32 Electronic Photo Album Production
STM32 + DDS DIY Signal Generator
Using Raspberry Pi and Web Interface to Remotely Control Appliances
STM32 “Cloud” Music Player
Raspberry Pi Remote Monitoring
Designing a Neon Tube Clock Based on STM32
DIY FPGA Minimal System Board (PCB can be directly made)
Building NAS with Raspberry Pi 4 for Easy Network Connection of Hard Drives
ESP32 Car Soft and Hard Practical Sharing
Only 79 lines of code to complete creative gesture recognition
IoT + Electronic Ink Screen can create a custom display
Building a Road Robot Worth Thousands with Just Dozens of Yuan
3D Naked Eye Holographic Display, Visual Persistence POV Project
DIY Gesture Recognition Module
Practical Small Designs That Can Be DIYed from Scratch
Raspberry Pi to Create a Smart Doorbell + Smart Lock with Video
Strange! My Development Board Can Play Games Automatically
DIY Breathing Machine
ESP8266 + Zigbee Networking to Transform Wall Switches
Wireless Home Monitoring System
DIY Bionic Arm, a Tool to Free Your Hands
Pure Handmade Air Purifier, All Design Materials Open Source
Tech Toy: Remote-Controlled Bluetooth Cannon
Using ST Sensors to Create LittleBee Monitoring System, Letting Bees “Talk”
Recommended Reading:

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