Developing STM32 on Linux: Compiling BIN and HEX Files with GCC ARM None EABI Toolchain

1. Why Not GCC

When developing STM32, the compilation toolchain must use gcc-arm-none-eabi. Why not GCC?This relates to cross-compilation in Linux, as we need to compile programs that can run on ARM from a PC. Using GCC will compile programs that run on the PC, so we need to use gcc-arm-none-eabi for cross-compilation~

2. Introduction and Installation of the GCC-ARM-None-EABI Toolchain

gcc-arm-none-eabi is an open-source ARM development toolchain suitable for Arm Cortex-M and Cortex-A series processors, including the GNU Compiler (GCC) and GDB, which can be used for cross-compilation on Windows, Linux, and MacOS. gcc-arm-none-eabi is available in the Ubuntu software repository, but the version is relatively outdated:

Developing STM32 on Linux: Compiling BIN and HEX Files with GCC ARM None EABI Toolchain

Here we choose the appropriate version from the [ARM official download link]( (I chose Linux64):

Developing STM32 on Linux: Compiling BIN and HEX Files with GCC ARM None EABI Toolchain

After extracting, it is in tar.bz2 format. Use the command tar -jxf <file to extract> to extract it to the directory we want to install:

Developing STM32 on Linux: Compiling BIN and HEX Files with GCC ARM None EABI Toolchain

For convenience in the future, rename the folder:

Developing STM32 on Linux: Compiling BIN and HEX Files with GCC ARM None EABI Toolchain

The bin directory below is the compilation toolchain we will use:

Developing STM32 on Linux: Compiling BIN and HEX Files with GCC ARM None EABI Toolchain

The doc under the share directory contains a lot of usage help documents. You can skim through them, especially the readme.txt:

Developing STM32 on Linux: Compiling BIN and HEX Files with GCC ARM None EABI Toolchain

Next, we need to add the bin directory to the environment variable so we can directly enter the tool name in the command line and the system can find it. Here we only add the environment variable for the current user. Use vim ~/.bashrc to edit the current user’s configuration file and add export PATH=$PATH:/home/mculover666/gcc-arm-none-eabi/bin at the end:

Developing STM32 on Linux: Compiling BIN and HEX Files with GCC ARM None EABI Toolchain

Then use the command source ~/.bashrc to update the system path, making the added environment variable take effect immediately:

Developing STM32 on Linux: Compiling BIN and HEX Files with GCC ARM None EABI Toolchain

Then enter the command arm-none, and press Tab three times (do not enter all), to check if the system can auto-complete:

Developing STM32 on Linux: Compiling BIN and HEX Files with GCC ARM None EABI Toolchain

If the system prompts, it means the environment variable is configured successfully, and you can happily use the arm-none-eabi toolchain~

3. Start from Bare Metal Project

3.1. Hardware Description

Here I use the Wildfire Dominator development board, with the onboard chip being STM32F103ZET6. The downloader used is e-link, which uses CMSIS-DAP to download programs, and also features a serial port, making it very convenient~

Developing STM32 on Linux: Compiling BIN and HEX Files with GCC ARM None EABI Toolchain

The schematic diagram of the onboard RGB-LED is shown below:

Developing STM32 on Linux: Compiling BIN and HEX Files with GCC ARM None EABI Toolchain

3.2. Create an Empty Bare Metal Project

First, create a folder mkdir 00-template-reg to store the entire project, which consists of three files:

  • startup_stm32f10x_hd.s: copied from the firmware library, note that it is not from the arm folder, as truestudio uses the gcc compiler, so we choose the startup file from the truestudio folder;

  • stm32f10x.h: an empty file;

  • main.c: the code is as follows:

#include "stm32f10x.h"

int main()
    /* Enable GPIOB clock */
    *(unsigned int*)(0x40021000+0x18) |= 1<<3;

    /* Configure PB0 as push-pull output */
    *(unsigned int*)(0x40010c00+0x00) |= 1<<(4*0);

    /* PB0 outputs low level, turn on green LED */
    *(unsigned int*)(0x40010c00+0x0c) &= ~(1<<0);

void SystemInit(void)


4. Compilation

Next is the exciting compilation step~ There are two types of files during compilation, one is the assembly startup file, and the other is the C source file. Next, we will compile them separately: First, it should be noted that any file must include the following parameters:

Parameter Description
-mthumb Indicates the instruction set used (required)
-mcpu=cortex-m3 Indicates the chip core (required)
-g Generate debugging information

4.1. Compile the Startup File

The startup file is generally written in assembly. It is important to note that the assembly file format can be either .S or .s:

  • Uppercase S: Indicates that the file contains preprocessor directives (such as #define) and needs to be processed first;

  • Lowercase s: Indicates that the file does not need processing and can be compiled directly;

The startup file we added earlier is lowercase .s, so we can compile it directly. Additionally, if using a .S file, the -x assembler-with-cpp parameter must be included.

Next, we will explain some parameters used by the gcc compiler for assembly files:

Parameter Description
-x assembler-with-cpp Preprocess the file first
-Wa,option Pass parameters to the assembler

Note: Parameters that can be passed to the assembler:

Parameter Description
-W or –no-warn Disable all warnings
–fatal-warnings Treat all warnings as errors
–warn Normal warning messages

So, next we can use the following parameter combination to compile the startup file (without preprocessing and normal warning messages):

arm-none-eabi-gcc -c -mthumb -mcpu=cortex-m3 -g -Wa,--warn -o startup_stm32f10x_hd.o startup_stm32f10x_hd.s
Developing STM32 on Linux: Compiling BIN and HEX Files with GCC ARM None EABI Toolchain

4.2. Compile the C File

Since the main.c does not contain anything special, we can compile it simply:

Parameter Description
-Wall Enable all warnings
arm-none-eabi-gcc -c -mthumb -mcpu=cortex-m3 -g -Wall -o main.o main.c

5. Linking

There are two important parts to linking: linking files and parameters passed to the linker. The linking files are provided in the example project of the firmware library, located in the following directory:

Developing STM32 on Linux: Compiling BIN and HEX Files with GCC ARM None EABI Toolchain

Among them, stm32_flash.ld is the linking file for STM32F103ZE. If using another chip, modifications are required. Copy it to our project:

Developing STM32 on Linux: Compiling BIN and HEX Files with GCC ARM None EABI Toolchain

Then let the linker link startup_stm32f10x_hd.o and main.o files based on the stm32_flash.ld file to generate an ELF file containing debugging information. We also need to pass some parameters to the linker:

Parameter Description
-T Specify the linking file
arm-none-eabi-gcc -o test.elf main.o startup_stm32f10x_hd.o -mthumb -mcpu=cortex-m3 -T stm32_flash.ld -specs=nosys.specs -static -Wl,-cref,-u,Reset_Handler -Wl, -Wl,--gc-sections -Wl,--defsym=malloc_getpagesize_P=0x80 -Wl,--start-group -lc -lm -Wl,--end-group

6. Generate BIN and HEX Files

Using arm-none-eabi-objcopy tool, we can convert the ELF file into BIN and HEX files suitable for microcontrollers, where the parameter -O (uppercase O) specifies the output file format (default is BIN format)

arm-none-eabi-objcopy test.elf test.bin
arm-none-eabi-objcopy test.elf -Oihex test.hex

7. Write a Makefile Template

RM=rm -f
CPUFLAGS=-mthumb -mcpu=cortex-m$(CORE)
LDFLAGS = -T stm32_flash.ld -Wl,-cref,-u,Reset_Handler -Wl,-Map=$(TARGET).map -Wl,--gc-sections -Wl,--defsym=malloc_getpagesize_P=0x80 -Wl,--start-group -lc -lm -Wl,--end-group
CFLAGS=-g -o
$(TARGET):startup_stm32f10x_hd.o main.o
    $(CC) $^ $(CPUFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(TARGET).elf
    $(CC) -c $^ $(CPUFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $@
    $(CC) -c $^ $(CPUFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $@

    $(OBJCOPY) $(TARGET).elf $(TARGET).bin
    $(OBJCOPY) $(TARGET).elf -Oihex $(TARGET).hex
    $(RM) *.o $(TARGET).* 
  • Use the command make to compile and generate the ELF file;

  • Use the command make bin to convert the ELF file into a BIN file;

  • Use the command make hex to convert the ELF file into a HEX file;

  • Use the command make clean to remove all generated files.

This article is transferred from: Mculover666

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Developing STM32 on Linux: Compiling BIN and HEX Files with GCC ARM None EABI Toolchain

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