This project will share how to make an ESP8266 drone (this drone can climb walls) and how it works.
We all know what a drone can do, which is to fly. If I told you this drone can climb walls or dive underwater like a submarine, you might find it a bit magical. The author states that the drone introduced below can do just that!
The complete video demonstration is at the end.
Flying a drone requires a flight controller, but if we don’t have much money to buy one, what can we do? We can make our own flight controller. Previously, the author made a very cheap flight controller using the ESP8266, the link is as follows:https://www.diyprojectslab.com/esp8266-drone-controller
Required Components
(Let’s first look at the main components of the drone)
ESP8266 -
MPU6050 Acc/Gyro Module -
Brushed Motor -
Propeller -
500 mAh lipo3.7v -
Si2302mosfet (5x) -
If you are an electronics enthusiast, you will find that you have all the components listed below -:)
Tools Used
Soldering Iron
A drone needs a frame, motors, propellers, electronic motors, flight controller, and battery.

Flight Controller
The flight controller (also known as FC) is the brain of the aircraft. It is a circuit board with a series of sensors that can detect the drone’s motion and the user’s commands. If you tell it to go forward, the flight controller will adjust the speed of the rear motor to move it forward.
ESP8266 Module
To communicate with the drone, we need a Bluetooth or Wi-Fi connection, so we use the ESP8266 Wi-Fi module because it has built-in Wi-Fi that we can use for communication.
The ESP8266 is open-source, interactive, programmable, low-cost, simple, smart, and the lowest cost Wi-Fi hardware.
As for the flight range of the drone, tests have shown a range of about 70 meters, using a Samsung phone as a WiFi hotspot and remote controller.
The MPU6050 IMU is a low-cost device that includes a gyroscope and accelerometer.
We will use the MPU-6050 and ESP8266 module to make a drone.
Coreless Motor
Coreless motors are miniature motors used in quadcopters and drones, and these motors are coreless, meaning there is no metal core in the rotor. Coreless motors can achieve higher speeds under smaller loads. These motors are suitable for micro drones, quadcopters, or mini projects.
The purpose of the propeller is to generate thrust and torque to keep the drone flying.
Schematic Diagram of ESP8266 Drone Flight Controller

Receiver control module schematic based on ESP12e (ESP8266).
Circuit Connections
Connect the circuit according to the schematic in the above image, paying attention to the connection details of each component.

The frame provides structure and rigidity; it is the mounting location for all components.
Here, a wooden pencil is chosen and shaped into a quadcopter.
If you have a 3D printer, you can print a better frame.
Assembling the Drone

This is a drone frame made from a pencil, please see the photo.
To connect the motors, we need to place the motors on the frame arms.
Installing All Motors
Two motors rotate clockwise and two motors rotate counterclockwise (see the diagram). If one motor does not rotate in the correct direction, simply switch the polarity of the motor.
Check the battery and voltage -
Check that all propellers are securely attached -
Check all motor mounts
Always remember to disconnect the battery after flying, and reconnect it before flying.
Software Part
It is recommended to use Arduino IDE: If you want to edit (i.e., the SSID and password of the WiFi network – Android hotspot)
Install Arduino IDE -
Install ESP8266 board -
Install ESP8266WiFi.h
Copy the code and modify your own WiFi SSID and password in the code (the code can be downloaded at the end):
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <WiFiUdp.h>
The code is too long to paste here for readability; it can be downloaded at the end.
The aboveDrone_FInal.ino
file can be downloaded at the end.
Open Arduino IDE, copy the code fromDrone_FInal.ino
and paste it into Arduino IDE.
Edit the following two lines to modify your network’s SSID and password in the code.
WiFi.begin("Diyprojectslab", "romeooo"); //ssid or pass
In Arduino IDE, go to “Tools”>”Board”> select “NODEMCU 1.0 (ESP – 12E module)” -
Go to Tools, select Port -
Change the Wi-Fi name and password from the above code -
Now click the upload button to upload the above code -
If everything goes well, you will see the blue LED on the ESP8266 start blinking every second.
Android App Setup and ESP8266 Drone Test
You just need to download the App file attached in this step to your Android phone. (Can be downloaded at the end)
This Android application is developed using Processing for Android App.

A wall-climbing project based on the NodeMCU flight controller and Android application control. Complete details and explanation video.
I believe you will love it.
Original link: https://www.diyprojectslab.com/make-esp8266-drone-wallclimb-drone/
Project Author: projectslab
Translation first published in: DF Maker Community
Hardware Arsenal
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All materials involved in the project can be downloaded in the following ways:
1. You can click “Read Original” to download from the community forum!
2. You can reply in our WeChat public account with “ESP8266 Drone” to get the download file!
(Note: For previous projects, if the link is invalid, you can also search for related project names in our community forummc.dfrobot.com.cn for free download)
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