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ICS 03.120.20
A 00

National Certification and Accreditation Industry Standards
RB/T 218—2017
Requirements for Competence Assessment of Inspection Bodies and Laboratories for Vehicle Inspection
Competence assessment for inspection body and laboratory mandatory approval—Requirements for vehicles inspection body
Released on 2017-10-16
Implemented on 2018-05-01
Published by the State Administration for Certification and Accreditation of China
Table of Contents
1 Scope
2 Normative References
3 Terms and Definitions
4 Requirements
4.1 Organization
4.2 Personnel
4.3 Environmental Conditions
4.4 Equipment and Facilities
4.5 Management System
This standard is drafted according to the rules given in GB/T 1.1—2009.
This standard is proposed and centralized by the State Administration for Certification and Accreditation of China.
The drafting organizations of this standard include: Beijing Guoshi Testing Technology Research Institute, Beijing Automobile Repair Co., Ltd., China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment, Highway Science Research Institute of the Ministry of Transport, Motor Vehicle Emission Monitoring Center of the Ministry of Environmental Protection, China Motor Vehicle Safety Appraisal and Testing Center, Machinery Industry Vehicle Product Quality Supervision and Testing Center, Shijiazhuang Huayan Transportation Technology Co., Ltd., Traffic Safety Product Quality Supervision and Testing Center of the Ministry of Public Security, Dekada Enterprise Management (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., China Quality Inspection Association, Linyi Motor Vehicle Safety Testing Station.
Main drafters of this standard: Chen Kaiyu, Tian Wuhu, Jin Suofang, Chen Nanfeng, Sun Wei, Huang Tao, Tong Xiaoping, Yin Hang, Ji Liming, Zhao Weixing, Zhou Yan, Wang Zhigang, Yin Zhijun.

Inspection and testing agencies engaged in issuing data and results with proof effect to society within the People’s Republic of China should obtain qualification recognition.
Qualification recognition for inspection and testing agencies is an administrative licensing system to ensure the authenticity, objectivity, and accuracy of inspection and testing data and results.
This standard is a supplement to RB/T 214 “General Requirements for Qualification Recognition of Inspection and Testing Agencies” and serves as a supplementary requirement for the evaluation of vehicle inspection agencies by the qualification recognition department.
The vehicle inspection agencies referred to in this standard include three types: vehicle safety technology inspection agencies, vehicle emission inspection agencies, and comprehensive performance inspection agencies for automobiles.

Requirements for Competence Assessment of Inspection Bodies and Laboratories for Vehicle Inspection
1 Scope

This standard specifies the requirements for the competence assessment of vehicle inspection agencies in terms of organization, personnel, environmental conditions, equipment and facilities, and management system.
This standard applies to the qualification recognition capability assessment of vehicle inspection agencies that conduct technical inspections of vehicles operating on roads according to the “Road Traffic Safety Law of the People’s Republic of China” and its implementing regulations, the “Air Pollution Prevention and Control Law of the People’s Republic of China,” and the “Road Transport Regulation of the People’s Republic of China,” and issue data and results with proof effect to society, and also applies to self-assessment of vehicle inspection agencies.
The vehicle inspection agencies referred to in this standard include three types: vehicle safety technology inspection agencies, vehicle emission inspection agencies, and comprehensive performance inspection agencies for automobiles.
2 Normative References

The following documents are essential for the application of this document. For documents with a date, only the version marked with the date applies to this document. For documents without a date, the latest version (including all amendments) applies to this document.
GB 3847 Emission limits and measurement methods for diesel engines and diesel engine vehicles
GB 18285 Emission limits and measurement methods for gasoline engine vehicle pollutants (dual idle method and simple working condition method) GB 18565 Comprehensive performance requirements and inspection methods for road transport vehicles
GB/T 19000 Quality management system Fundamentals and terminology
GB 21861 Safety technical inspection items and methods for vehicles
GB/T 26765 Vehicle safety technical inspection business information system and networking specifications
GB/T 27000 Conformity assessment Vocabulary and general principles
JJF 1001 General metrology terminology and definitions
RB/T 214 Qualification recognition capability assessment for inspection and testing agencies General requirements
JT/T 478 Technical specifications for computer control systems of vehicle inspection agencies
3 Terms and Definitions

The terms and definitions defined in GB/T 19000, GB/T 27000, JJF 1001, and RB/T 214, as well as the following terms and definitions, apply to this document.
3.1 Vehicle Inspection
In this standard, it refers to the general term for three types of inspection activities: vehicle safety technology inspection, vehicle emission inspection, and comprehensive performance inspection of automobiles.
3.2Vehicle Safety Technology Inspection
According to the “Road Traffic Safety Law of the People’s Republic of China” and its implementing regulations, it refers to the activity of inspecting vehicles operating on roads according to national safety technical standards for vehicles, including vehicle registration inspection and inspection of in-use vehicles.
3.3Vehicle Emission Inspection
According to the “Air Pollution Prevention and Control Law of the People’s Republic of China,” it refers to the activity of inspecting emissions from in-use vehicles according to the standards and specifications set by the environmental protection authorities.
3.4 Automotive Comprehensive Performance Inspection
According to the “Regulations on the Management of Road Transport Vehicles,” it refers to the activity of inspecting various technical performance combinations of vehicles such as power, safety, fuel economy, reliability, exhaust pollutants, noise, and the integrity and condition of the vehicle equipment according to the standards and specifications set by the competent transportation authorities.
3.5 Vehicle Inspection Body
In this standard, it refers to the general term for inspection bodies engaged in three types of inspection activities: vehicle safety technology inspection, vehicle emission inspection, and comprehensive performance inspection for automobiles. Vehicle inspection bodies include vehicle safety technology inspection agencies, vehicle emission inspection agencies, and comprehensive performance inspection agencies for automobiles.
3.6 Vehicle Safety Technology Inspection Body
Within the People’s Republic of China, it refers to the inspection body that inspects vehicles operating on roads according to the provisions of the “Road Traffic Safety Law of the People’s Republic of China” and its implementing regulations and issues notarized data to society.
3.7Vehicle Emission Inspection Body
Within the People’s Republic of China, it refers to the inspection body that conducts emission inspections on vehicles according to the provisions of the “Air Pollution Prevention and Control Law of the People’s Republic of China” and issues notarized data to society according to the standards and specifications set by the environmental protection authorities.
3.8Automotive Comprehensive Performance Inspection Body
It refers to a technical service agency that inspects, evaluates, and provides inspection data or reports on the comprehensive performance of automobiles according to the prescribed procedures and methods.
4 Requirements

4.1 Organization
4.1.1 Vehicle inspection agencies should meet the requirements of RB/T 214 4.1. Vehicle inspection agencies and their responsible persons are responsible for the authenticity and accuracy of inspection data.
4.1.2 Vehicle inspection agencies should publicly display a legally binding commitment signed by their legal representative or highest manager in a prominent position in the customer activity area.
4.1.3 The confidential content of vehicle inspection agencies should include at least:
a) Documents and materials submitted by the client;
b) Information related to the client involved in inspection records and reports;
c) Information obtained by inspectors during on-site inspections, including inspection conclusions, etc.;
d) Information obtained by the vehicle inspection agency from sources other than the client (such as regulatory agencies, complainants).
4.2 Personnel
4.2.1 Vehicle inspection agencies should meet the requirements of RB/T 214 4.2.
4.2.2 The technical head and authorized signatory of the vehicle inspection agency should have a professional technical title of intermediate level or above, or equivalent capability, or hold a technical level of technician or above related to vehicles, or have a college degree or above in a related field and more than 3 years of experience in vehicle inspection work.
Note 1: Equivalent capability means: doctoral graduates engaged in relevant inspection and testing activities for more than 1 year; master’s graduates engaged in relevant inspection and testing activities for more than 3 years; bachelor’s graduates engaged in relevant inspection and testing activities for more than 5 years; college graduates engaged in relevant inspection and testing activities for more than 8 years.
Note 2: 3 years or more of vehicle inspection work experience includes experience in inspection work in automobile manufacturing enterprises, inspection work in automobile repair enterprises, or work experience in vehicle safety technology inspection, vehicle emission inspection, and comprehensive performance inspection of vehicles.
4.2.3 The technical head and authorized signatory of the automotive comprehensive performance inspection agency should also meet the standards and specifications set by the competent transportation authorities.
4.2.4 Inspectors driving vehicles for inspection should hold valid driver’s licenses corresponding to the inspected vehicle types and be familiar with the operation of the inspected vehicles before inspection.
4.3 Environmental Conditions
4.3.1 Vehicle inspection agencies should meet the requirements of RB/T 214 4.3.
4.3.2 Vehicle inspection agencies should have fixed workplaces necessary for conducting vehicle inspection activities that can be independently allocated and used, and their working environment should ensure the authenticity and accuracy of inspection results.
4.3.3 Vehicle inspection agencies should have safety guarantee measures and emergency plans, and the road layout in the venue should indicate pedestrian paths and vehicle roads to ensure personnel safety.
4.3.4 The environmental conditions of vehicle emission inspection agencies should also meet the standards and specifications set by the environmental protection authorities.
4.4 Equipment and Facilities
4.4.1 Vehicle inspection agencies should meet the requirements of RB/T 214 4.4.
4.4.2 The venues, buildings, and other facilities of vehicle inspection agencies should meet the needs of the inspection projects for the vehicles being inspected and ensure safety. There should be at least inspection workshops, parking lots, roadways, business halls, offices, etc. During the inspection of vehicle chassis components, there should be inspection pits or lifting devices, and the layout of each facility should be reasonable. The visibility of the roadway should be good and kept clear, and the turning radius and length of the roads should meet the needs of the vehicles being inspected. Sufficient traffic signs, road markings, guide signs, and safety signs should be set up. The road test for driving brake inspection should have a test lane with concrete or asphalt pavement, and the parking brake test should have a parking ramp or comply with the specified road test parking brake inspection detection equipment and facilities, which should be correctly marked and have safety protection measures.
4.4.3 The inspection and testing equipment used by vehicle inspection agencies should also meet the following requirements:
a) The inspection and testing equipment for vehicle safety technology inspection should meet the requirements of GB 21861. The main inspection items should use fixed inspection instruments and equipment for vehicle inspections, and mobile inspection instruments and equipment can be used for motorcycle inspections. Vehicle safety technology inspection agencies should have ownership of the vehicle safety technology inspection and testing equipment they use;
b) The inspection and testing equipment for vehicle emission inspection should meet the requirements of GB 18285 and GB 3847 for the inspection and testing equipment of related vehicle types;
c) The inspection and testing equipment for automotive comprehensive performance inspection should meet the requirements of GB 18565.
4.4.4 Vehicle inspection agencies should ensure that the software used for inspection and testing and affecting the results complies with relevant laws, regulations, and standards, is confirmed, and has unique identification. Vehicle inspection agencies should ensure the uniqueness and integrity of the software used for inspection and testing and must not modify the software arbitrarily. Inspection and testing work must not use unconfirmed software. The inspection and testing software and its records should be managed by a designated person and confirmed regularly or after changes or upgrades.
4.4.5 Comparisons between equipment can be regarded as a method of interim verification.
4.4.6 The standard substances of vehicle inspection agencies should establish archives or ledgers, managed by designated persons and regularly verified to ensure traceability. Vehicle inspection agencies should use certified standard gases, and the storage conditions should meet technical requirements and ensure safety. The use of uncertified standard gases or expired standard gases is prohibited.
4.5 Management System
4.5.1 Vehicle inspection agencies should meet the requirements of RB/T 214 4.5, excluding clauses 4.5.5 subcontracting and 4.5.17 sampling.
4.5.2 Vehicle inspection should not be subcontracted.
4.5.3 Vehicle inspection does not involve sampling.
4.5.4 Vehicle inspection agencies should clearly indicate their qualifications, inspection items, inspection standards, charging standards, vehicle inspection flowcharts, inspection workstation layout diagrams, and complaint supervision columns and other service facilities.
Note: Mobile motorcycle inspections may not require vehicle inspection flowcharts or inspection workstation layout diagrams.
4.5.5 Vehicle safety technology inspection agencies should have the inspection capabilities for all vehicle types described in GB 21861, and motorcycle inspection capabilities require only the ability to inspect two-wheeled motorcycles. Automotive comprehensive performance inspection agencies should have the inspection capabilities for all vehicle types described in GB 18565.
4.5.6 The fixed inspection instruments for vehicle inspection should have data communication interfaces, be able to perform network control and computer networking, and meet the requirements for data transmission interfaces with the competent authorities. The testing principles, resolution, effective digits of measurement results, and inspection result data of the networked inspection instruments and equipment should not be changed, and the following conditions should also be met:
a) The fixed inspection and testing equipment used in vehicle safety technology inspection should use digital data processing secondary instruments. The computer networked inspection control system for vehicle safety technology inspection should meet the requirements of GB/T 26765.
Note: Digital data processing secondary instruments include: industrial control computers, single-chip microcomputers, single-board computers, digital signal processing systems (DSP digital signal processors), etc.
b) The emission inspection control system used for vehicle emission inspection should comply with the inspection specifications set by the environmental protection authorities, and vehicle emission inspection agencies should conduct networking according to the networking specifications set by the environmental protection authorities to achieve real-time sharing of inspection data.
c) The fixed inspection and testing equipment used for automotive comprehensive performance inspection should use digital data processing secondary instruments. Automotive comprehensive performance inspection should meet the relevant requirements of JT/T 478 for computer networked control inspection and testing systems.
4.5.7 The sample identification for vehicle inspection can directly use the unique vehicle identification code (VIN) and vehicle license plate or frame number.
4.5.8 Vehicle inspection agencies should have procedures to protect and back up records stored electronically and prevent unauthorized access or modification.
4.5.9 Vehicle inspection records also include re-inspection records and road test records, including records stored electronically. Inspection records should be able to trace back to all inspection items in the inspection report, and the numbering of inspection reports and inspection records should have uniqueness and must not use vehicle identification codes (VIN) and vehicle license plates or frame numbers to replace the numbering of inspection reports and records.
Note: Attention should be paid to issues such as numbering of records for non-networked inspection and testing items, identification of inspectors, etc., to ensure the traceability of records.
4.5.10 No modifications or additions should be made to the issued inspection reports. If modifications or additions to the inspection report are necessary, the report should be recalled, voided, and a new report issued.
4.5.11 Under the premise of ensuring safety, integrity, and traceability, records and reports stored electronically can replace paper documents for archiving.
4.5.12 Under the premise of complying with relevant laws, regulations, and standards, vehicle inspection agencies can merge the same or similar inspection items in vehicle safety technology inspection, vehicle emission inspection, and automotive comprehensive performance inspection activities, share inspection equipment, improve inspection efficiency and service quality, and reduce the costs of inspection agencies. For example: vehicle uniqueness inspection, partial vehicle manual inspection items, automotive lighting inspection, etc.

[1] Road Traffic Safety Law of the People’s Republic of China (April 22, 2011, Order No. 47 of the President of the People’s Republic of China)
[2] Air Pollution Prevention and Control Law of the People’s Republic of China (August 29, 2015, Order No. 31 of the President of the People’s Republic of China)
[3] Implementation Regulations of the Road Traffic Safety Law of the People’s Republic of China (April 28, 2004, Order No. 405 of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China)
[4] Road Transport Regulation of the People’s Republic of China (February 6, 2016, Order No. 666 of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China)
[5] Management Measures for Qualification Recognition of Inspection and Testing Agencies (April 9, 2015, Order No. 163 of the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine)
[6] Technical Management Regulations for Road Transport Vehicles (January 22, 2016, Order No. 1 of the Ministry of Transport of the People’s Republic of China)
[7] GB/T 17993 General Requirements for the Capability of Automotive Comprehensive Performance Inspection Agencies

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