Differences Between Automotive Technicians with Monthly Salaries of 1000 and 100000

Differences Between Automotive Technicians with Monthly Salaries of 1000 and 100000

Differences Between Automotive Technicians with Monthly Salaries of 1000 and 100000

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Introduction: What are the differences between automotive technicians with monthly salaries of 1000 and 100000?

Have you ever thought about a question: Although they are both automotive technicians, some people earn over ten thousand a month and reach the peak of their lives; while others struggle at a basic level?

Differences Between Automotive Technicians with Monthly Salaries of 1000 and 100000

After various surveys and analyses, I found that those excellent automotive technicians often possess the following qualities:

1Great Passion for Automotive Repair

Interest is the cornerstone of success. Anyone who is not interested in cars will find it very difficult to learn automotive repair well.

This interest cannot just be spoken; it must be observed with the eyes, enjoying disassembling and assembling everything, and with certain professional knowledge and patience, it is possible to learn automotive repair well, which leads to thriving in the automotive repair industry.

2Ability to Learn Actively

The ability to learn actively determines whether an automotive technician can achieve a high level of skill.

Outstanding automotive repair talents are not just those who blindly follow their masters; they must have their own ideas and thoughts, and a personal database of techniques.

You can observe the excellent automotive technicians around you: they are constantly learning, summarizing, and improving themselves. They often summarize automotive repair cases they have encountered and purchase various automotive repair-related books for study.

3Strong Logical Reasoning Ability

Repair technicians should possess a special logical analysis ability for automotive faults. This requirement is partly determined by the actual situation of the automotive repair industry in our country.

Currently, the main task of the repair industry is still “diagnosis,” as the saying goes, “70% diagnosis, 30% repair.”

The level of a repair technician is truly reflected in the accuracy of their diagnosis. During the diagnosis process, it is required that the diagnostician “understands principles, can analyze, can reason, and can diagnose cleverly.”

Eliminating a difficult problem sometimes resembles a great detective novel, except that the protagonist of the story is the various systems of the car.

Therefore, someone who cannot reason or logically analyze is unlikely to become a good repair technician.

4 Basic Knowledge of English

The development of automotive technology has made it no longer a matter of one country; it requires international cooperation.

A significant portion of the cars we repair are imported vehicles, so having a basic knowledge of English is particularly important.

In work, one not only needs to reference some relevant models’ English materials but can also easily understand the latest automotive technologies, repair manuals, and diagnostic methods from abroad.

5Organic Combination of Mechanics, Electricity, and Liquids

The traditional concept in the automotive repair industry is that mechanics and electricians are separate; they are two independent trades.

However, with the rapid development of automotive technology, this division has become unrealistic, and there is a strong need to combine mechanics and electricians, supplemented by hydraulic technology; the ideal automotive repair talent must combine all three organically.

6Master Certain Computer Knowledge

Modern cars require repair personnel to have a certain understanding of computer knowledge; they must not only understand the correct use of computers but also understand the basic principles and control principles of vehicle-mounted single-board computers; otherwise, many fault phenomena may be incomprehensible.

7Ability to Select, Use, and Extend the Purpose of Equipment

The skill level of a repair technician largely depends on their degree of application of equipment.

If you observe closely, you will find that in many repair shops, there are many pieces of equipment that are just for show, and some repair shops have equipment that hasn’t even been unpacked.

The reason for purchasing is merely due to regulatory requirements, and they do not base their conclusions on data from even the most basic exhaust analyzers.

Therefore, a truly skilled automotive technician must be able to develop and utilize automotive testing equipment.

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Differences Between Automotive Technicians with Monthly Salaries of 1000 and 100000

Differences Between Automotive Technicians with Monthly Salaries of 1000 and 100000

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