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1. OkHttp – A framework that simplifies network requests
Project address
2. TwinklingRefreshLayout – A RefreshLayout with pull-to-refresh and load-more features, supports RecyclerView, AbsListView, ScrollView, WebView
Project address
3. StickerCamera – An app that integrates camera, image cropping, and tagging
Project address
4. A custom image view for Android, designed for image galleries
Project address
5. AndroidFire – A news reading app framework based on Material Design
Project address
6. ViewPagerCards – Android ViewPagerCards source code for card switching effects
Project address
7. Douya – Complete source code for the Douya client based on Material Design
Project address
8. A highly imitated WeChat open-source project
Project address
9. RestAPP – Android NetEase Cloud Music interface source code, can be used for graduation defense
Project address
10. A library based on Qiniu for loading images, making image loading more effective, throttled, simple, controllable, and cool
Project address
11. Screen recording for Android 5.0+
Project address
12. Novate – A chain network library built on Retrofit and RxJava, supporting OkHttp’s calling style
Project address
13. One line of code to complete Android 7 FileProvider adaptation
Project address
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Advanced Android Development with FFmpeg Video Playback
NDK Project Practice – Imitating 360 Mobile Assistant’s Uninstall Listener
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“Do you have any other questions?” – How to answer the interviewer’s questions
Android Image Selection to Cropping – Step by Step Pitfalls
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