How to Modify Arduino Code for ROSArduinoBridge

This tutorial will specifically introduce how to modify the Arduino part of the ROSArduinoBridge code. This code is the main code for the lower computer mobile chassis, running on the Arduino Mega2560 main control board, which is used to control the chassis motor rotation and receive feedback from each motor encoder, thus allowing the mobile chassis to form a closed-loop control.

How to Modify Arduino Code for ROSArduinoBridge

First, let's introduce the position of the modified Arduino code in the

Open Source! A Step-by-Step Guide to Driving High-Power DC Hall Encoder Motors with Arduino and ROS



In the previous articles, we mainly recorded how to drive TT motors with Hall encoders and low-power DC gear motors using our Arduino Mega 2560 expansion board (with TB6612).

  • "Open Source! A Step-by-Step Guide to Driving Motors with Arduino+ROS Car"

  • "Open Source! A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Adjust Encoder Motor Speed PID"

With the above two documents, you can complete the driving and control part of a ROS car chassis like the one shown below.

Open Source! A Step-by-Step Guide to Driving					</div>
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Introduction to the ros_arduino_bridge Open Source Package

This tutorial introduces the ros_arduino_bridge open source package. If you are creating a ROS mobile robot based on Arduino, this package provides a complete software solution. The package not only controls the motors to drive the chassis but also includes data acquisition from ultrasonic sensors and infrared distance sensors, as well as various general analog and digital signal sensors. It can control the output of digital signals and supports PWM servo control.

Introduction to the ros_arduino_bridge Open Source Package


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