UDP Network Communication Between VxWorks 6.8 and Windows

UDP Network Communication Between VxWorks 6.8 and Windows

Click “Read the original text” to access more VxWorks resources Overview This article discusses the key points of UDP network communication between VxWorks 6.8 and Windows. Code Description On the Windows side, we ran a UDP server program named win_udpServer.ext, designed by vxbus.com. On the VxWorks 6.8 side, we designed a UDP client program code … Read more

FreeRTOS Queue Usage Example

FreeRTOS Queue Usage Example

FreeRTOS Queue Usage Example This article aims to demonstrate the usage of queues in FreeRTOS. According to the description in this article, a simple usage of queues can be implemented. Experimental conditions: Basic knowledge of C language, with an integrated development environment such as Keil uVision5. Design Experiment In this experiment, we will continue to … Read more

FreeRTOS Coding Standards and Data Types

FreeRTOS Coding Standards and Data Types

Scan to FollowLearn Embedded Together, let’s learn and grow together FreeRTOS introductory tutorial has been delayed for too long. Recently, I plan to complete this series, while organizing my knowledge, I hope to help beginners quickly get started and master the basic principles and usage methods of FreeRTOS. Previously published two articles about FreeRTOS: FreeRTOS … Read more

Developing an Operating System for Raspberry Pi with Rust

Developing an Operating System for Raspberry Pi with Rust

1 – OrbTk 0.3.1-alpha2 Rust UI toolkit OrbTk has released a new version. The goal of OrbTk is to be fast, easy to use, and cross-platform. It is inspired by Flutter, React, and Yew. https://github.com/redox-os/orbtk 2 – Blog: Using wgpu-rs in the Web gfx-rs is a Rust project dedicated to low-level GPU programming. wgpu-rs is … Read more

Understanding hashCode() and equals() Methods in Java

Understanding hashCode() and equals() Methods in Java

Programmers’ Growth Journey Internet/Programmers/Technology/Resource Sharing Follow Reading this article will take approximately 5 minutes. Source: github.com/feigeswjtu/java-basics/edit/master/sourceCode Background While reading the Alibaba Java Development Manual, I came across the usage specifications for the hashCode() and equals() methods. Whenever equals is overridden, hashCode must also be overridden. Since Set stores unique objects and uses hashCode and equals … Read more

C# 24 Point Game Solution Algorithm

C# 24 Point Game Solution Algorithm

↓Recommended Follow↓ Introduction I often play the 24-point game with my son. Sometimes it’s quite challenging, and after a while, we can’t solve it, so we just give up, treating it as unsolvable. With my mathematical ability, generally speaking, if we can’t solve it, it’s likely unsolvable. However, when encountering particularly tricky ones, it’s possible … Read more

Visual Interface Development with Node-RED: Framework Introduction and Data Flow Deployment

Visual Interface Development with Node-RED: Framework Introduction and Data Flow Deployment

Introduction to Node-RED Framework and Data Flow Deployment We have previously introduced the basics of Node-RED, including login functionality. Today, we will learn about the specific framework of the open-source visual development tool Node-RED and how to deploy the first data flow. 1 Introduction to the Interface Framework The data flow editing interface consists of … Read more

Comprehensive Guide to Embedded Development with Rust on ESP32-C3

Comprehensive Guide to Embedded Development with Rust on ESP32-C3

ESP32-C3 is a high-performance, low-power Wi-Fi/Bluetooth microcontroller launched by Espressif. As a safe, efficient, and easy-to-use programming language, Rust is rapidly emerging in the embedded field. This tutorial will take you on a journey into Espressif embedded development and unlock the infinite possibilities of ESP32-C3 with the Rust language. Content of the Tutorial This tutorial … Read more

Understanding Three Programming Methods for Microcontrollers: ICP, IAP, and ISP

Understanding Three Programming Methods for Microcontrollers: ICP, IAP, and ISP

Students who play with microcontrollers should have heard of the terms IAP, ICP, and ISP. Here, I will help you “consolidate” your knowledge. First, let’s introduce these terms. ● ICP (In Circuit Programming) ● ISP (In System Programming) ● IAP (In Application Programming) 1. ICP (In Circuit Programming) Those who have used the Nuvoton microcontroller … Read more

Understanding Bitwise Operations in Microcontroller Programming

Understanding Bitwise Operations in Microcontroller Programming

Previously, we discussed why microcontrollers should be programmed in C language and what programming environments are required. Today, we will introduce the basic knowledge of microcontroller programming. First, we need to introduce bitwise operations. Bitwise operations are very common when configuring microcontroller registers. For instance, when configuring the GPIO of a microcontroller to output direction … Read more
