Circuit Simulation: Mastering Arduino Open Source Hardware with Zero Investment

Circuit Simulation: Mastering Arduino Open Source Hardware with Zero Investment

“Innovation for the Masses, Entrepreneurship for Everyone”. Schools are increasingly emphasizing maker education, with enthusiasm rising as they begin to offer maker education courses and build maker laboratories when conditions allow, investing generously. However, many schools are financially constrained and struggle to find a starting point. Indeed, many friends say that hardware has become cheaper, … Read more

How Geeks Play with the $5 Raspberry Pi Computer

How Geeks Play with the $5 Raspberry Pi Computer

Limited Time Download: Follow us on “Microcontroller”, reply “Tutorial” to get the microcontroller e-book, reply“Simulation“ to get Proteus simulation materials. Continuously updating… The Raspberry Pi is not just a “Pi”; it is a computer! When we talk about PCs today, we usually refer to the narrowest definition of a PC. The Raspberry Pi is no … Read more

Recommended Components for NodeMCU Experiments

Recommended Components for NodeMCU Experiments

Experimental components include: LED, switch and temperature and humidity sensor. 1. Connection of LED LED (Light Emitting Diode) is a solid-state semiconductor device that can convert electrical energy into visible light. It directly converts electricity into light. The core of the LED is a semiconductor chip, one end of which is attached to a bracket, … Read more

7 Essential Tips for Embedded Development

7 Essential Tips for Embedded Development

// Welcome to the IT Research Institute column, where Huamei will share practical knowledge about embedded systems, IoT, Java, and more every Thursday. We hope everyone can gain insights and progress further in their professional journey! Becoming a formal embedded development engineer is a challenging process, from a well-defined development cycle to strict execution and … Read more

Process Interaction in Raspberry Pi Using Python Queues

Process Interaction in Raspberry Pi Using Python Queues

Introduction Currently, there is a task requirement for the shopping cart, which involves image recognition and motion control. Therefore, it is necessary to initialize two processes to complete the respective actions. Since motion control requires the results of image recognition, we now need to implement the collaboration between the two processes using Python syntax. This … Read more

Innovative Projects and Developments in Embedded Systems

Innovative Projects and Developments in Embedded Systems

Author: Xiaoyu, Typesetting: Xiaoyu WeChat Official Account: Chip Home (ID: chiphome-dy) 01 CPU vs FPGA It vividly expresses the computational logic of CPU and FPGA. The CPU tends to be multifunctional and usually executes instructions serially. Although it has multiple cores, each core still executes in a serial manner, the design of the CPU is … Read more

Overclocking Methods for Raspberry Pi 400

Overclocking Methods for Raspberry Pi 400

Overclocking the Raspberry Pi 400 is very easy to achieve. In terms of heat dissipation, the Raspberry Pi 400 is designed with a large passive heatsink, which is very useful. There is no need for additional active cooling to meet the heat dissipation needs of overclocking. Although some users have configured the Raspberry Pi 400 … Read more

Getting Started with Cortex-M3: Overview of the Architecture

Getting Started with Cortex-M3: Overview of the Architecture

Click the card below to follow Arm Technology Academy This article is selected from the “Arm Technology Blog” column, originally from Zhihu. This series will guide you to learn about the Cortex-M3, including its architecture design, register composition, concepts of clock and bus, functions and usage of various peripherals, etc. Original article: The Getting … Read more

GigaExpress SBC PCIe Card Based on Single/Dual Core Zynq

GigaExpress SBC PCIe Card Based on Single/Dual Core Zynq

The Berten team primarily develops high-speed electronic products or provides signal processing solutions for most application needs, especially in extreme environments, through reliable transmission and advanced data processing. The Berten team can often design and develop the best products in the shortest engineering and industrial time. Of course, they offer excellent comprehensive solutions in ultra-high-speed … Read more
