Regarding these knowledge points, if everyone goes to learn from the authoritative guide of the Cortex-M kernel, especially for beginners, it will take a long time to digest. Therefore, to help everyone better understand the OS features of the Cortex-M kernel, this video has been specially produced. Everyone can conveniently grasp the essence of these functions, striving for every viewer of this video to easily master them.
The OS features of the Cortex-M kernel are the foundation for porting various RTOS, and they are the essence of understanding the operating mechanism of RTOS. Once understood, it becomes much easier to look at the Port files and source code of various RTOS.
This video mainly covers the following topics:1. General stack knowledge. 2. Dual stack usage. 3. Introduction and usage of PendSV interrupt. 4. Introduction and usage of SVC software interrupt. 5. Usage of privileged and unprivileged levels. 6. Systick tick interrupt.Video (recommended to watch in 1080p):
B stack address:
References: Cortex-M Kernel Authority Guide The Definitive Guide to Arm Cortex-M3 and Cortex-M4 Processors_c.pdf Cortex-M7 Technical Specification Manual
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Link: Extraction code: 6tl1