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Simple Configuration of CSI Camera on Raspberry Pi
This article discusses how to properly install the CSI camera on the Raspberry Pi and some basic configurations and simple usage.
Test Environment
Hardware: Raspberry Pi 3B/3B+ System: Raspberry Debian 9 / Debian 10
Hardware Connection
1. Find the CSI interface (The CSI interface of Raspberry Pi 3B is located between the HDMI interface and the audio port), you need to lift the CSI interface cover, as shown below:
2. Insert the camera ribbon cable into the CSI interface. Remember, the side with the blue tape should face the audio port or network card direction, confirm the direction and insert the cable tightly, then press down the cover, as shown below:
The effect of the installation is roughly as follows:
Enable the Camera
1. First, use the “ls” command to check if the vchiq device node exists:
linux@ubuntu:~$ ls /dev
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ ls /dev/
autofs disk gpiomem loop3 mmcblk0 ptmx ram15 random stdout tty15 tty23 tty31 tty4 tty48 tty56 tty7 vchiq vcs6 vcsa7
block dri hwrng loop4 mmcblk0p1 pts ram2 raw tty tty16 tty24 tty32 tty40 tty49 tty57 tty8 vcio vcs7 vcsm
btrfs-control fb0 initctl loop5 mmcblk0p2 ram0 ram3 rfkill tty0 tty17 tty25 tty33 tty41 tty5 tty58 tty9 vc-mem vcsa vhci
bus fd input loop6 mqueue ram1 ram4 serial0 tty1 tty18 tty26 tty34 tty42 tty50 tty59 ttyAMA0 vcs vcsa1 watchdog
cachefiles full kmsg loop7 net ram10 ram5 serial1 tty10 tty19 tty27 tty35 tty43 tty51 tty6 ttyprintk vcs1 vcsa2 watchdog0
char fuse log loop-control network_latency ram11 ram6 shm tty11 tty2 tty28 tty36 tty44 tty52 tty60 ttyS0 vcs2 vcsa3 zero
console gpiochip0 loop0 mapper network_throughput ram12 ram7 snd tty12 tty20 tty29 tty37 tty45 tty53 tty61 uhid vcs3 vcsa4
cpu_dma_latency gpiochip1 loop1 mem null ram13 ram8 stderr tty13 tty21 tty3 tty38 tty46 tty54 tty62 uinput vcs4 vcsa5
cuse gpiochip2 loop2 memory_bandwidth ppp ram14 ram9 stdin tty14 tty22 tty30 tty39 tty47 tty55 tty63 urandom vcs5 vcsa6
pi@raspberrypi:~ $
If it does not exist, there may be a problem with the kernel or hardware, you can try re-flashing the system or replacing the hardware.
2. Run “vcgencmd get_camera” to check if the current camera is available:
pi@raspberrypi:~$ vcgencmd get_camera
supported=1 detected=1
If detected=0, it means the camera module is not connected properly, check the hardware again. If detected=1, it means the CSI camera is connected properly. supported=1 means the camera is enabled and can be used. supported=1 means the CSI camera is not enabled. You need to enable the camera module.
3. Run “sudo raspi-config” command to enable the Raspberry Pi CSI camera
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo raspi-config
Then restart the Raspberry Pi.
Add UVC Driver
Some programs use V4L2 programming and will access the /dev/videoX device, so you need to add the UVC driver. For Raspberry Pi 3B/3B+, you can add the bcm2835-v4l2 driver as follows:
pi@raspberrypi:~$ vim.tiny /etc/modules
# /etc/modules: kernel modules to load at boot time.
# This file contains the names of kernel modules that should be loaded
# at boot time, one per line. Lines beginning with "#" are ignored.
Then restart to see the videoX (X is a number, such as 0) driver in the /dev/ directory.
Use raspistill Command to Take Photos
Run “raspistill -o image.jpg” to successfully take a photo and save it, for more parameters use raspistill –help.
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ raspistill -o image.jpg
Transfer the image.jpg picture to the Windows desktop to open, and you can see the effect of the photo, such as:
More References
【Raspberry Pi】Linux Kernel Compilation
【Raspberry Pi】Quickly Expand Your SD Card
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【Raspberry Pi】Enable SSH Service on the System
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