LiFi is a new, high-speed, secure data communication method. Unlike other RF technologies such as WiFi, LiFi does not suffer from interference or security issues. LiFi can turn ordinary LED lights into wireless access points to achieve high-speed data communication. The rapid iteration and hardware acceleration algorithms provided by Xilinx make LiFi a reality, supporting high-speed, real-time data transmission.
Ultra-low latency of 2.5 microseconds! TrustNode board-level SDN router is now available
[Download] UltraFast design method quick reference guide (UG1231)
Professional RF learning module: ADALM-PLUTO SDR USB learning module based on Zynq SoC
Xilinx Spartan-7 is finally available for order!
Lynx presents: Kernel separation technology LynxSecure based on Xilinx Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC
[Video] Implementing single-chip 4K video codec processing on Zynq MPSoC
36 years of innovation, how does Vicor continue to break records in power density?
1/64 pixel completed composite surface contour extraction: LineCam3D laser industrial camera (from VRmagic)
[Video]: Performing post-compilation debugging using incremental compilation process
IoT connection technology showdown, who will win: SIGFOX, LoRA, LTE?
Complex RF mixers, zero intermediate frequency architecture, and advanced algorithms: Black magic in next-gen SDR transceivers
“Pocket Instrument Lab” is here! Digilent Digital Discovery is more powerful than you can imagine
Huada Jiutian’s new product refreshes local EDA tool vendors’ perceptions, is it not a dream to share the future?
[HLS Video Tutorial 19]: FOR loop optimization — other optimization methods
Video system design of Down Scaler based on Vivado HLS
Understanding Ethernet terminology – data rate, interconnect medium, and physical layer