How to Enable VNC Remote Desktop Control on Raspberry Pi

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How to Enable VNC Remote Desktop Control on Raspberry Pi

In simple terms, VNC is a software that allows you to remotely control another host through your phone or computer. When we operate Raspberry Pi, we can remotely control it via VNC without the need to configure an additional monitor and keyboard.

Now, Raspberry Pi comes with VNC service pre-installed, so we can easily enable VNC through the command line.

Let’s start the operation

Enter the system, open the terminal, or log in to Raspberry Pi via remote SSH.

This example uses SSH to log in to Raspberry Pi for operation.

Enable VNC

1. Enter the Raspberry Pi configuration interface

Enter the command ($ do not enter, just indicating this is a command line command):

$ sudo raspi-config

How to Enable VNC Remote Desktop Control on Raspberry Pi

2. Select ‘5 Interfacing Options’, press Enter.

How to Enable VNC Remote Desktop Control on Raspberry Pi

3. Select ‘P3 VNC’, press Enter.

How to Enable VNC Remote Desktop Control on Raspberry Pi

4. Here it asks if you want to enable VNC service, select ‘Yes’, press Enter.

How to Enable VNC Remote Desktop Control on Raspberry Pi

5. It prompts that the VNC service has been enabled, press Enter to confirm, then exit the Raspberry Pi configuration interface.

How to Enable VNC Remote Desktop Control on Raspberry Pi

At this point, we have enabled the VNC service on Raspberry Pi. Next, we will use software to perform VNC remote desktop control.

Connect to Raspberry Pi using VNC Viewer

Now, we need to download software or an app that can connect to VNC. Recommended: VNC Viewer, free and easy to use.

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Various operating systems are available, including Windows, Android, IOS, Mac, etc. This example uses a MacBook, so I downloaded the VNC Viewer for MacOS. The installation is also very simple, without bundled malware.

How to Enable VNC Remote Desktop Control on Raspberry Pi

With VNC Viewer ready, let’s continue the operation.

6. Open VNC Viewer

How to Enable VNC Remote Desktop Control on Raspberry Pi

7. Enter the IP address of Raspberry Pi in the address bar, press Enter

My Raspberry Pi address is:

How to Enable VNC Remote Desktop Control on Raspberry Pi

8. A dialog box will pop up, enter the username of Raspberry Pi: pi, password (default): raspberrypi, click ‘OK’.

How to Enable VNC Remote Desktop Control on Raspberry Pi

9. If you see the familiar Raspberry Pi interface, it means the connection is successful!

The prompt box here roughly means whether to enable media shortcut keys, you can choose Not now (not now). Move the mouse and keyboard of the computer, and you can remotely control the Raspberry Pi desktop.

How to Enable VNC Remote Desktop Control on Raspberry Pi

The connection methods for other platforms are similar, so I won’t introduce them one by one.

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