I bought a monitor, but I didn’t read the description. It only had the display screen, and the electronic components were exposed. I spent some time making a case for it.
I also made a bracket for easier debugging.
Note that if you are using the latest Raspberry Pi system like I am, the HDMI connection to the 7-inch display will not work directly and will show a blue screen (but it can display normally using a micro HDMI adapter). According to the store, the Bullseye system does not require configuration, but if it is Wayland, you need to add some settings.
Power off the Raspberry Pi, remove the memory card, insert it into your computer, open the config.txt file, and copy the following code:
The second issue is that the wireless mouse connected to the Raspberry Pi moves very slowly. Even after adjusting the speed settings for “mouse and keyboard,” moving the mouse is still very uncomfortable. Switching to a wired mouse is slightly better.
Third, regarding the CSI camera issue, it is generally enabled in sudo raspi-config, but there is no such option on the 4B.
Actual testing method: After connecting the CSI camera to the Raspberry Pi, run the following command:
libcamera-still -o test.jpg
If a test.jpg image appears in your directory, it indicates that the camera is functioning normally.
Fourth, you can connect a wireless keyboard via Bluetooth, and it works without any issues.
# How Do I Know if My Raspberry Pi Camera is Working?