Content Summary
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The Raspberry Pi is a Linux-based credit card-sized computer. The initial purpose of developing the Raspberry Pi was to promote basic computer science education in schools through low-cost hardware and free software. However, it quickly gained popularity among computer and hardware enthusiasts, who used it to learn programming and create a variety of novel and trendy software and hardware applications. This book, written by prolific author Simon Monk, is the second edition with comprehensive upgrades, including rich practical examples and detailed explanations of Raspberry Pi configuration and management, network connections, operating systems, and software.
Additionally, this book introduces various tips for Raspberry Pi development using Python. It covers the basics of Python programming, lists and dictionaries, and advanced features of Python. The book also discusses topics related to machine vision, hardware fundamentals, controlling hardware, motors, digital input, sensors, display devices, the Internet of Things, and Arduino. This book is suitable for programmers and computer software and hardware enthusiasts, as well as readers interested in Raspberry Pi. It also serves as a guide for Raspberry Pi-related practical courses.
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