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The project I am sharing today is a self-contained GPS tracker based on the ESP32 processor, which can support the conventional SIM800 expansion board to manage 2G GSM communication and is compatible with most 3.3V GPS modules. Using dedicated software, you can easily track the GPS positioning of the module via SMS exchange or GPS positioning push on a dedicated web server.
If you are working on similar projects, you can refer to the related schematic, BOM list, and code available for download at the end of this article:

– Uses SIM800L module

– TOPGNSS high-precision GPS positioning module

The related code includes the following, which you can view the download method at the end of the article:

Original link and code download:

<<<STM32 project summary>>>
<<<Raspberry Pi project summary>>>
<<<ESP32 project summary>>>
<<<ESP8266 project summary>>>
<<<Arduino project summary>>>
<<<Darwin project sharing series>>>