DIY Indoor Thermometer Using 3D Printed OLED Display

DIY Indoor Thermometer Using 3D Printed OLED DisplayMAKERBnbe_club/ Translated by:Fun Endless

It’s getting cold, and students who raise tropical flowers and pets need to pay more attention to indoor temperature.Here is a highly practical and easy-to-make thermometer that I recommend.It is built using a DS18B20 temperature sensor and an OLED module. The development board used here is the Piksey Pico, and the code is compatible with Arduino, so you can also use Arduino to complete it.The production steps come with a video:

Materials List

DIY Indoor Thermometer Using 3D Printed OLED Display

Arduino or Piksey Pico × 1DS18B20 Temperature Sensor × 10.96 Inch OLED Module × 1Level Converter Module × 1

Programming and Testing

1. Upload the code file to Arduino.DIY Indoor Thermometer Using 3D Printed OLED Display2. The graphics on the display can be modified according to your specific situation.DIY Indoor Thermometer Using 3D Printed OLED Display3. Install all components onto the breadboard.The wiring method is shown in the figure.DIY Indoor Thermometer Using 3D Printed OLED Display

The code is as follows:

There is a large section of source codeTo avoid affecting the reading experience, please click the link at the end to read the original text.

Or download from the project file library.

3D Printed Shell

DIY Indoor Thermometer Using 3D Printed OLED DisplayThis shell was initially designed to accommodate only the OLED module.Finally, by modifying the Piksey Pico, I managed to fit all components inside.If you are using Arduino Nano or UNO, then the shell can only accommodate the display, and other electronic devices must be placed outside.

The 3D printing file for the shell can be downloaded from the project file library:

Wiring Test

DIY Indoor Thermometer Using 3D Printed OLED DisplayDIY Indoor Thermometer Using 3D Printed OLED DisplayThe wiring method can be adjusted according to your habits.In the project, I used multi-strand wire, which worked well.The final wiring method will depend on your actual situation and may differ from mine.

DIY Indoor Thermometer Using 3D Printed OLED DisplayDIY Indoor Thermometer Using 3D Printed OLED DisplayAfter completing the wiring, start testing to ensure everything is working properly before proceeding with assembly.

Assemble All Components

DIY Indoor Thermometer Using 3D Printed OLED Display

Finally, after all components are installed, close the shell.Be careful not to apply too much force on the OLED module during installation to avoid damage.

DIY Indoor Thermometer Using 3D Printed OLED DisplayDIY Indoor Thermometer Using 3D Printed OLED Display

So far, the entire project is completed, and it is very simple.

Project file library address:
Links in the article can be clicked to read the original text at the end.
DIY Indoor Thermometer Using 3D Printed OLED Display
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DIY Indoor Thermometer Using 3D Printed OLED Display

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