This public account serves as a compilation base for the vast number of crochet enthusiasts. The editor is responsible for collecting and organizing resources from the internet to help save more time for little fairies to crochet. Welcome to follow!
All diagrams published on this public account are reprinted from publicly available communities on the internet, and no test crochet has been done, so specific materials are not detailed. If there are no special prompts and instructions in the diagrams, the crochet hook size and yarn thickness can be matched accordingly.
All diagrams published on this public account are copyrighted to the designers. If there is any infringement, please contact the editor for deletion. The editor sincerely apologizes for any inconvenience caused.
The editor usually faces significant work and life pressure and only shares without accepting apprentices. Currently, there is no paid teaching available. If you encounter any problems that cannot be solved during the crocheting process, feel free to message the editor, and we can discuss and explore together. Honestly, the editor is not very skilled, so I will never refuse any opportunity to improve!
QQ Group ①: 981409563
QQ Group ②: 903111481
Editor WeChat (add friend to join the WeChat group): crochet222
Diagram Source│Xiaohongshu: 449376206
Common crochet stitch definitions:
CH: Chain stitch, X: Single crochet, V: Increase single crochet, A: Decrease single crochet, SL: Slip stitch, W: Three single crochets in the same stitch,M: Three single crochets merged into one stitch, T: Half double crochet, F: Double crochet, FA: Decrease double crochet, FV: Increase double crochet, FW: Three double crochets in the same stitch, E: Triple crochet, EA: Decrease triple crochet, EV: Increase triple crochet, EW: Three triple crochets in the same stitch, BLO: Only crochet the back half of the stitch, FLO: Only crochet the front half of the stitch, [ ]: All stitches in brackets are crocheted in the same stitch
Note: If there are special stitches, the author usually explains them in the diagram, just follow the diagram.
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@Editor WeChat: crochet222
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