Configuring MIPI DPHY Task Function for High-Speed Interfaces

The Jingxin SoC training camp has students asking how to load the waveform in the task function in Verdi. Here, we will introduce it using the high-speed image interface MIPI as an example.

We create a task function for the MIPI DSI protocol to test. The function code is as follows:

Configuring MIPI DPHY Task Function for High-Speed Interfaces

Configuring MIPI DPHY Task Function for High-Speed Interfaces

Configuring MIPI DPHY requires multiple configurations, so we need to call the task function multiple times to configure MIPI DPHY. Therefore, we encapsulate it again. The code is as follows:

Configuring MIPI DPHY Task Function for High-Speed Interfaces

However, the task function cannot see its internal signal waveforms in Verdi. How can we check if the DPHY configuration is correct by observing the waveforms?

Configuring MIPI DPHY Task Function for High-Speed Interfaces

The solution is simple. Please move to the knowledge star discussion, modify the simulation options, and you will be able to see the internal signal waveforms of the task, as shown in the figure below, consistent with the task function execution.

Configuring MIPI DPHY Task Function for High-Speed Interfaces

Configuring MIPI DPHY Task Function for High-Speed Interfaces

The Jingxin Micro SoC team business

Introduction to the Jingxin Micro SoC team business:

  • Providing SoC, MCU, ISP, CIS, and other chip design services

  • Providing chip design, verification, DFT, and full-process backend design services

  • Providing backend design processes including 7nm, 12nm, 28nm, 40nm, 55nm, 65nm, 90nm, 110nm, 180nm nodes, offering cost-effective chip manufacturing channels

The Jingxin SoC training camp allows everyone to design their own SoC/MCU chip!

Recruiting outstanding trainees to join our design outsourcing team for part-time project work!

[The only one on the internet] Jingxin SoC is a low-power ISP image processing SoC used for full-process chip training, using a low-power RISC-V processor, with built-in ITCM SRAM, DTCM SRAM, integrating IPs such as MIPI, ISP, USB, QSPI, UART, I2C, GPIO, Ethernet MAC controller, designed using SMIC40 process.

  1. CPU: RISC-V

  2. ITCM: 64KB

  3. DTCM: 64KB

  4. Peripherals: MIPI/USB/HDMI/UART/I2C/QSPI

  5. System Clock: 100MHz

  6. MIPI RX decoding

  7. ISP image processing

  8. HDMI interface

Configuring MIPI DPHY Task Function for High-Speed Interfaces
(1) SoC Frontend Course, You Will Learn
  • High-speed interface Verilog design implementation
  • Image algorithms and Verilog design implementation
  • MIPI communication protocol’sVerilog implementation
  • Lint, CDC checks andUVM verification
  • Post-simulation

The content of just one frontend course is equivalent to 5-6 courses from other training institutions.

(2) SoC Mid-level Course, You Will Learn
  • DFT design (chip-level)
  • Synthesis logic synthesis (chip-level)
  • Low-power UPF design, CLP technology
  • formal verification and other technologies

The content of just one mid-level course is equivalent to 4-5 courses from other training institutions.

(3) SoC Backend Course, You Will Learn

  • Layout and routing (low-power FF flow)
  • StarRC/QRC
  • STA/Tempus
  • Power analysis
  • DRC/LVS design

The content of just one backend course is equivalent to 3-4 courses from other training institutions.

The course provides servers for everyone to practice! It will take you from algorithms, frontend, DFT to backend full-process participation in SoC project design. For more content, please contact the author to register, log in to the server for practice, the engineering data is divided into the following three parts.

Configuring MIPI DPHY Task Function for High-Speed Interfaces

Data path for image processing:

Configuring MIPI DPHY Task Function for High-Speed Interfaces

CRG design of Jingxin SoC:

Configuring MIPI DPHY Task Function for High-Speed Interfaces

One-click completion of C code compilation, simulation, synthesis, DFT insertion, formal verification, layout and routing, parasitic parameter extraction, STA analysis, DRC/LVS, post-simulation, formal verification, power analysis, etc. The upgraded chip design engineering V2.0 flow is as follows:

SoC one-click execution flow

Configuring MIPI DPHY Task Function for High-Speed Interfaces

MIPI DPHY+CSI2 decoding

Configuring MIPI DPHY Task Function for High-Speed Interfaces

Classic design in digital circuits: Implementation of multiple communication data Lane Merging design

Classic design in digital circuits: Implementation of multiple communication data Lane Distribution

Configuring MIPI DPHY Task Function for High-Speed Interfaces

Configuring MIPI DPHY Task Function for High-Speed Interfaces

Configuring MIPI DPHY Task Function for High-Speed Interfaces

UPF low-power design

Full-chip UPF low-power design (including DFT design)

Configuring MIPI DPHY Task Function for High-Speed Interfaces

Before low-power design, the power consumption was 28.75W

Configuring MIPI DPHY Task Function for High-Speed Interfaces

After low-power design, during sleep, the power consumption was 21.45mW, reduced by 7mW

Configuring MIPI DPHY Task Function for High-Speed Interfaces

Configuring MIPI DPHY Task Function for High-Speed Interfaces

Chip layout design V1.0

Configuring MIPI DPHY Task Function for High-Speed Interfaces

Chip layout design V2.0

Configuring MIPI DPHY Task Function for High-Speed Interfaces

The DRC/LVS of low-power design, the LVS of the chip top layer is very challenging! Unique experience sharing in the industry.

Configuring MIPI DPHY Task Function for High-Speed Interfaces

ISP image processing

  • dpc – Bad pixel correction

    Configuring MIPI DPHY Task Function for High-Speed Interfaces

  • blc – Black level correction

    Configuring MIPI DPHY Task Function for High-Speed Interfaces

  • bnr – Bayer noise reduction

  • dgain – Digital gain

    Configuring MIPI DPHY Task Function for High-Speed Interfaces

  • demosaic – Demosaicing

    Configuring MIPI DPHY Task Function for High-Speed Interfaces

  • wb – White balance gain

  • ccm – Color correction matrix

  • csc – Color space conversion (RGB2YUV conversion formula based on integer optimization)

  • gamma – Gamma correction (brightness based on table lookup gamma correction)

  • ee – Edge enhancement

    Configuring MIPI DPHY Task Function for High-Speed Interfaces

  • stat_ae – Automatic exposure statistics

  • stat_awb – Automatic white balance statistics

CNN image recognition

Configuring MIPI DPHY Task Function for High-Speed Interfaces

Supports handwritten digit AI recognition:

Configuring MIPI DPHY Task Function for High-Speed Interfaces

Simulation results: The simulation recognizes the digits 7, 2, 1, 0, 4, 1, 4, 9 in the image above.

Configuring MIPI DPHY Task Function for High-Speed Interfaces

CPU Startup Instruction Analysis

Configuring MIPI DPHY Task Function for High-Speed Interfaces

Frontend Design Directory

Configuring MIPI DPHY Task Function for High-Speed Interfaces

Mid-level Design Directory

Configuring MIPI DPHY Task Function for High-Speed Interfaces

Backend Design Directory

Configuring MIPI DPHY Task Function for High-Speed Interfaces

Welcome to join the 【Full-Stack Chip Engineer】 knowledge star to discuss technology, exchanging the full process design from algorithms, frontend, DFT to backend.Click the image below to join the knowledge star!

Configuring MIPI DPHY Task Function for High-Speed Interfaces

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Welcome to join the MCU chip design exchange group, add my WeChat first, and I will pull you into the group!

Configuring MIPI DPHY Task Function for High-Speed Interfaces

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