Troubleshooting Monitor Display Issues: A Practical Guide

The methods described in this article draw on the experiences of predecessors and summarize the practical operations of Lao Mo. This is organized into writing to serve as a reminder that past experiences can guide future actions. This article represents only Lao Mo’s personal views, recorded for the purpose of reviewing and learning anew.


Thanks to someone, I had the opportunity to get to know you. I have walked through the coolness before summer and arrived at the heat before autumn.

We don’t meet often; the most common way of communication is probably in your shared WeChat group. You said, I will answer.


It doesn’t display, you said on the phone.

Regular operation, I asked you if, apart from the screen not displaying, tapping the keyboard’s shift or number keys, would the keyboard indicator lights blink?

After a brief wait, you said no.

I said, let’s arrange it.


You said on the phone, it’s working now, I don’t need to arrange it.

You said, I need to arrange it, but it doesn’t display again.

I said, how did it work and then stop again?

You said, I moved the host, replaced it with a new monitor and connection cable, it worked, but then it stopped displaying again, although it is powered on.

Troubleshooting Monitor Display Issues: A Practical Guide


Upon seeing it, it powered on, the indicator lights blinked, the host vibrated, the fan operated, but the screen did not display.

I moved the host, and it had worked before.Regular operation, flip the host and open the cover, oh, it’s the two memory sticks, reinsert and clean them, put the memory back and power on, it displayed normally.

Troubleshooting Monitor Display Issues: A Practical Guide


You all did a lot, following your understanding, but only slightly omitted my method, removing the memory.

In a vague way, I have gained a new understanding of the words from my predecessors. Clearly, you have said a lot, and they have heard a lot, but in the end, you say yours, and they do theirs according to their understanding. You said it, they heard it, and now they are doing it, these are three different things.

Further Reading: Computer powers on but does not display, the host is running, the screen does not display, the host fan spins and stops repeatedly.

What Xiaocaobing Writes:

Some practical experiences with computer issues and some specific solutions, put into writing for review and learning anew.

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